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+7 (342) 254-41-64
Address: Perm, 38 Studencheskaya Ulitsa, room 205
SPIN-RSCI: 8022-1565
ORCID: 0000-0003-0705-520X
ResearcherID: J-9464-2018
Scopus AuthorID: 57225049668
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G. E. Volodina
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Dmitry Kashin

  • Dmitry Kashin has been at HSE University since 2017.


1. Organization of the admission process of the foreign citizens for study at HSE University (Perm) for budget (quota of the Government of the Russian Federation) and fee-paying places;

2. Organization of visa and migration support for foreign citizens at HSE University (Perm);

3. Organization of signing the partnership (cooperation) agreements with foreign universities and research centers;

4. Attracting students from near and far abroad countries for study at educational programmes of HSE University (Perm), Russian language courses, winter / summer schools, olympiads;

5. Coordination of the process of adaptation of foreign citizens at HSE University (Perm);

6. Coordination of faculty staff on the issues of admission of foreign citizens.

7. Coordination of Scientific group on public procurement

Education and Degrees

  • 2023

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)
    HSE University
    Thesis Title: Public procurement in the Russian Federation: the impact of government priorities on the decisions of public bodies

  • 2022

    Doctoral programme
    HSE University

  • 2018

    HSE University

  • 2016

    Bachelor's in Economics
    HSE University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

22.02.2024, "Specifics of educational, scientific and technical cooperation with China", 3 hours

07.11.23 - 13.11.23, "Organization ans Support of Students' Project Activities", 22 hours

20.08.23 - 31.08.23, "Supervised & Unsupervised Learning with Scikit-Learn", 8 hours (DataCamp)

19.04.23 - 21.04.23, "Professional development of directors and employees, responsible for ensuring fire safety", 24 hours, Verkhnekamsky Technical Institute

05.12.19 - 13.12.19, "Infographics and data visualization", 24 hours;

30.06.19 - 06.07.19, Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis (RSSIA-2019);

14.01.19 - 25.01.19, pedagogical design advanced training course "Teach for HSE"

28.04.18 - 29.04.18, seminar for employees engaged in international students mobility, adaptation of international specialists, invitations for foreign citizens, HSE - Moscow

24.11.17 - 25.11.17, seminar on international cooperation, HSE - St. Petersburg

07.07.17 - 08.07.17, seminar for employees engaged in international students mobility, adaptation of international specialists, invitations for foreign citizens, HSE - Moscow

2016 - 2017, professional training in "Jurisprudence", NRU HSE - Perm

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Lecturers" (2021-2022)

Courses (2023/2024)

  • Сourses: "Econometrics", "Strategic Management", "Machine Learning", "Investment Analysis", "Financial Management", "Analysis of Financial Markets", "Financial Mathematics", "LR Financial Policy", "Digital Economics". 

    Lectures and seminars on financial literacy, financial markets and services.

    The course «Machine learning in Economics and Finance» is supported by DataCamp, the most intuitive learning platform for data science and analytics. DataCamp’s learn-by-doing methodology combines short expert videos and hands-on-the-keyboard exercises to help learners retain knowledge.

  • Data Analysis in Business (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management; 2 year, 3 module)Rus
  • Econometrics (Advanced Level) (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
  • Econometrics (Advanced Level) (Postgraduate course’s programme; 1 year, 1 semester)Rus
  • Machine learning in Economics and Finance (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Management; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
  • Past Courses

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)


Academic Fund Program at HSE University (grant № 24-00-039 Empirical analysis of public procurement of innovative products in the Russian Federation), 2024.

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) Grant 20-310-90010 Public Procurement in the Russian Federation: The Impact of Explicit and Implicit Government Priorities on Purchasing Decisions of Public Bodies, principal researcher D.V. Vinogradov. 2020-2022.








Article Кашин Д. В., Шадрина Е. В. Эффективность механизма поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса в системе государственных закупок Российской Федерации // Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 8. Менеджмент. 2019. Т. 18. № 1. С. 94-114. doi


Article Шадрина Е. В., Кашин Д. В. Поддержка малого и среднего бизнеса в госзакупках. Эффективны ли механизмы? // Госзаказ: управление, размещение, обеспечение. 2018. № 54. С. 42-45.


Article Кашин Д. В., Корлякова А. В. Кривая Энгеля для расходов домохозяйств на досуг и культурные ценности в г. Пермь // Российский экономический интернет-журнал. 2016. № 2. С. 1-15.


Article Кашин Д. В., Илюхин С. В. Моральный риск в банковской системе // Экономика и социум. 2015



  • 2024
    Всероссийский онлайн-семинар по исследованиям государственных закупок (Ростов-на-Дону). Presentation: Что способствует госзакупкам у малых и средних предприятий? Результаты опроса российских заказчиков
  • XI Научная конференция преподавателей и сотрудников НИУ ВШЭ-Пермь «Соседи по науке» (Пермь) (Пермь). Presentation: Прогнозирование региональной инфляции: эконометрические модели или методы машинного обучения
  • XI Научная конференция преподавателей и сотрудников НИУ ВШЭ-Пермь «Соседи по науке» (Пермь) (Пермь). Presentation: Государственные закупки инноваций в России: эмпирический анализ открытых данных
  • Наука, техника и инновационные технологии в период Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства (Ашхабад). Presentation: Анализ государственных закупок инноваций в России
  • 2023
    X Научная конференция преподавателей и сотрудников НИУ ВШЭ-Пермь «Соседи по науке» (Пермь) (Пермь). Presentation: Въездной туризм в Пермском крае в эпоху глобальных перемен: обзор текущей ситуации и направлений ее развития
  • 10th International GSOM Economy & Management Conference 2023 (EMC-2023) (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Set-Asides: The Not-So-Clear Side of Public Procurement

  • Х международная конференция по прикладной экономике ICARE (International Conference of Applied Economic Research) (Пермь). Presentation: Особенности государственных закупок Арктической зоны Российской Федерации
  • Financial system transformation through digital technologies: Challenges and Solutions (Ташкент). Presentation: Priorities of the Government as Incentives for Public Organizations to Digitalize
  • 2022
    IX Научная конференция преподавателей и сотрудников НИУ ВШЭ-Пермь «Соседи по науке» (Пермь). Presentation: Государственные приоритеты в закупках: результаты опроса российских заказчиков
  • XVIII Ежегодная молодежная научная конференция «НАУКА ЮГА РОССИИ: достижения и перспективы» (Ростов-на-Дону). Presentation: Государственные приоритеты в закупках: результаты опроса российских заказчиков
  • Международная научно-практическая конференции "Формирование и развитие кластеров в инновационной экономике" (Самарканд). Presentation: Государственные закупки у малых и средних компаний: обязанность или свободный выбор заказчиков?
  • 2021
    VIII Научная конференция преподавателей и сотрудников НИУ ВШЭ-Пермь «Соседи по науке» (Пермь). Presentation: Влияние институциональных факторов на применение экологических критериев в государственных закупках строительных работ
  • Приоритетные направления инновационной деятельности в промышленности (IX международная научная конференция) (Казань). Presentation: Социально-экономические аспекты распространения пандемии COVID-19: особенности по странам

  • iCare 9 – International Conference on Applied Research in Economics 2021 (Пермь). Presentation: Declared Environmental Priorities of the Government as Implicit Incentives for Organizations to Act Green
  • 2020
    Научная конференция преподавателей и сотрудников НИУ ВШЭ-Пермь "Соседи по науке - 2020" (Пермь). Presentation: Экологичные критерии в государственных закупках Российской Федерации: детерминанты решений заказчиков
  • iCare 8 – International Conference on Applied Research in Economics 2020 (Пермь). Presentation: Environmental criteria in public procurement of the Russian Federation: Determinants of contracting authorities decisions
  • 2019
    iCare 7th International Conference on Applied Research in Economics 2019 (Пермь). Presentation: ''Set-Aside or Non Set-Aside'': The Decision of Contracting Authorities on Public Purchases from SME’s
  • 2018
    Научная конференция преподавателей и сотрудников НИУ ВШЭ – Пермь «Соседи по науке» (Пермь). Presentation: Государственные закупки как механизм поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса
  • iCare 6th International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (Пермь). Presentation: Public Procurement as a Mechanism of SME Support
  • 2017
    научная конференция преподавателей и сотрудников НИУ ВШЭ - Пермь "Соседи по науке" (Пермь). Presentation: Государственные закупки как механизм поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса

Employment history

2016 – 2017

LLC "RIA Infolife" (company of the MK Medlife)

Position: economist in the construction development department / economist in the planning department


Responsibilities: participation in calculation of the investment projects effectiveness (npv, irr, mirr, wacc, etc.). Optimization of the of the company's finance. Forecasting revenue, marginal profit, ebitda. Construction of BDR, BDDS, BBL. Participation in transactions. Asset management, consulting.



LLC "RIA Infolife" (part of the MK Medlife)

Position: specialist in accounting and planning department.


Responsibilities: participation in the development and construction of financial models (discounting of cash flows, forecasting revenue under various economic and mathematical constraints, optimizing the tax burden, maintaining the calculation of capital and operating costs, optimizing the customer loyalty programme). Participation in the process of automation of accounting (the enterprise transition from 1C 7 to 1C 8).




LLC "Food Factory" - a trading enterprise

Position: accountant.

Responsibilities: working in 1C 8 (payroll, cash and bank management, work with invoices, TORG-12; ordering).



LLC "Sputnik-Integration"

Position: manager in the commercial department

Responsibilities: document management, transaction support, market analysis


Additional information

Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admission Committee of the Higher School of Economics for the selection of foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad.

Participant of Russian and international educational exhibitions:

1) April 2017 - "Russian education, Dushanbe-2017"; 

2) September 2017 - "Navigator Postuplenia - Novosibirsk";

3) October 2017 - organisation of "Inrernational Youth Olympiad", Karaganda, Kazakhstan;

4) March 2018 - "EXPO 2018, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia"; 

5) September 2018 - "Navigator Postuplenia - Minsk";

6) October 2018 - educational exhibitions in Uzbekistan with Russia.Study, Тashkent, Samarkand; 

7) April 2019 - educational exhibition in Bishkek, Kyrgystan; 

8) April 2019 - lectures for students in Tashkent, Uzbekistan;

9) October 2019 - "Global University Fair-2019, UlaanBaatar, Mongolia";

10) December 2019 - "International Forum for High School Principals", Tangshan, Beijing

11) March 2020 - lectures and work with students in Namangan, Uzbekistan.

12) February 2023 - lectures and work with students in Bishkek, Kyrgystan

13) February 2024 - lectures and work with students in Bishkek, Kyrgystan

14) June 2024 - lectures on the programme "Management in Medcine", Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Timetable for today

Full timetable

HSE University in Perm Turns 25

On September 29, HSE University celebrated the birthday of its Perm campus. Teachers, researchers, department heads, graduates, and students all shared their warm wishes for their university. Eduard Sosnin, Mayor of Perm city and HSE graduate, expressed his certainty that ‘HSE will always be the best university in the country.’

‘The “Neighbours in Research” Conference Has Become a Special Hallmark of HSE University in Perm’

The 10th anniversary scientific conference ‘Neighbours in Research’ was held at HSE University in Perm. This year it received the status of an international event—research was presented by scientists not only from different regions of Russia, but also from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The conference's key concept is interdisciplinarity, and as a result, reports were presented from various branches of science, including economics, linguistics, sociology, law, digital technologies, and neuroscience.

2020 iCare Participants Discuss the Economic Effects of the Pandemic, the Accessibility of Higher Education in Russia, and More

On September 21, the VIII International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare) was held online, bringing together more than 100 researchers from 19 countries. Organizers, speakers, teachers, and students shared their impressions of the event and talked about the opportunities that the conference opens up for them.

HSE University 2020 Admissions Now Open

HSE University in Perm welcomes international students (non-Russian citizens and stateless persons) to apply to its Bachelor's and Master's programmes for the 2020 year. Apply online now!

Orientation Session for International Students at HSE Perm

On August 30, an adaptation event was held for newly arrived students who came to Perm from abroad to study. For the first time, HSE Perm's admissions campaign actively recruited students from Mongolia, Syria, Morocco, Ghana, Georgia, and Armenia. At the event, the freshmen met with the academic supervisors of their educational programmes, learned about the educational process, and received valuable tips for living in Perm and studying at HSE.

Perm Term: Durham University Students Share Their Impressions

During four months, students of the University of Durham (UK) studied Russian and history at the Higher School of Economics in Perm as part of 'Perm Term' programme (a semester in Perm). This programme was first organized by HSE in 2019 in cooperation with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Durham. The semester came to an end, and students Phoebe, Athena, Madeleine and Eleanor shared their impressions of this experience.

HSE Perm at Educational Exhibitions in CIS Countries

The employees of Higher School of Economics in Perm Dmitry Kashin and Iuliia Babenko have visited the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan within April as a part of the foreign applicants admission campaign 2019. They shared their impressions about exhibitions, “HSE Days, occupational guidance activities and entrance tests for international applicants.

Exchange Students from Europe and Asia at HSE Perm: First Impressions

In 2019 HSE Perm launched two international mobility programmes for hosting students from foreign universities. Exchange students from Tajikistan and the UK will spend the spring semester in Perm.

 'Studying at HSE Perm Is Comfortable and Pleasant': Iraqi Students Talk about Their Homeland

Every month Higher School of Economics in Perm holds meetings of international students. On October 19, students of the 1st year of the Master's programme 'Project Management: Project Analysis, Investments, and Implementation Technologies' shared the national culture and traditions of their homeland.

‘I See Prospects for the Development of Both Educational and Research Projects’

On September 10 - 15 Nada Matta, Professor at University of Technologies of Troyes (France), visited HSE Perm at the invitation of the ‘Business Informatics’ educational programme. She shared her impressions of the Perm campus and spoke about the prospects for cooperation between the universities in the near future.

‘I See Prospects for the Development of Both Educational and Research Projects’

On September 10 - 15 Nada Matta, Professor at University of Technologies of Troyes (France), visited HSE Perm at the invitation of the ‘Business Informatics’ educational programme. She shared her impressions of the Perm campus and spoke about the prospects for cooperation between the universities in the near future.

Orientation Session for International Students Held at HSE Perm

International freshmen at the HSE campus in Perm have taken part in an orientation session, where they met the leaders of the educational programmes and learned about the specific features of studying at the Higher School of Economics.