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SPIN-RSCI: 7929-9524
ORCID: 0000-0001-6406-6832
ResearcherID: AAT-2968-2021
Scopus AuthorID: 57208427277
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Anna Solodikhina

  • Lecturer:Educational Departments / School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Anna Solodikhina has been at HSE University since 2018.


  • 2020

    Master in Innovation Management
    HSE University, Innovation Management

  • 2018

    Bachelor in Mechatronics and Robotics
    Moscow State Technical University, SM11: Underwater Robotic Systems and Vehicles

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

- Advanced training course “Conflict Management in the Educational Environment” in 2024 (48 hours);

- Advanced training course “Project Management” in 2024 (28 hours);

- A series of trainings “Effective use of voice and speech resources in teaching” from the project “Teach for HSE / Teaching at HSE” in 2024 (8 hours);

- Advanced training course “Tracker of technological innovative startups” in 2024 (16 hours);

- Completion of an educational intensive course from the International Academy for the Study of Lies on the topic “Psychological portrait of a person in one day” in 2024 (8 hours);

- Advanced training course “Organization of project activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard” from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (CDPO) (72 hours);

- Completion of an educational intensive course from the International Academy for the Study of Lies on the topic “Emotional Intelligence”

- Completion of an educational intensive course from the International Academy for the Study of Lies on the topic “Operational psychodiagnostics”

- Intensive seminar on the topic "Intellectual Property in the Digital Economy: from Application to Implementation" from the FIPS Research and Education Center of Rospatent in 2023 (20 hours);

- Advanced training "Stress management in the educational environment" (HSE) in 2022 (48 hours);

- The course "Educational course for candidates for members of the expert council of the All-Russian competition of youth projects" (All-Russian competition of youth projects) in 2021;

- Advanced training "Organization of group and team work of students in online learning" (NRU HSE) in 2021 (16 hours);

- Professional development “Presentation of information and data. Creation of presentations "(NRU HSE) in 2020 (24 hours)

- Professional development "Vectors of development of higher education in the context of digital education" (MSPU) in 2020 (8 hours)

- Continuing education “Presentation of information and data. Creation of presentations "(NRU HSE) in 2020

- Continuing education “Vectors of the development of higher education in the context of digital education” (Moscow State Pedagogical University) in 2020

- Continuing education courses “Assessment and Feedback” (HSE) in 2019

- The “Teaching at the HSE” program, the refresher course “Psychological Subtleties of Teaching” (HSE) in 2019

- Continuing education courses “Entrepreneurial thinking and support for entrepreneurial initiatives of students” (HSE) in 2019

- Continuing education courses “Mentor of startups and entrepreneurial projects” (HSE) in 2018

- Educational program "Science and Technology" of the International Youth Forum Baikal, 2018

- Training of the Rapid-foresight session of The Public Joint Stock Company United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC UAC) in the framework of the All-Russian Engineering Competition (NRU "Samara University"), 2017

- Acceleration program of the innovation center "Mozgovo" and Perm State National Research University in the direction of the "Startup Project", 2017

- Acceleration program of the Pre-Inc Business Incubator (Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University) in the direction: start-up project from 2013 to 2014

- Courses in Economics and Entrepreneurship at the School of Economics at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University from 2013 to 2014

- Acceleration program of the competition "FINT - Festival of the latest technology ideas" as part of the All-Russian Festival of Science (MSU) in the direction "Ideas for future technologies that will change the world", 2013

- Educational program "Innovation and Technical Creativity" of the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum "Seliger-2013", 2013

- Courses "Project educational space in the field of natural sciences and nanotechnology" (Lyceum №2, Irkutsk), 2013

- English language courses in the autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "New Humanitarian Institute" from 2010 to 2013

- French language courses in the autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "New Humanitarian Institute" from 2011 to 2012

- Courses "Web-design", "Object-oriented programming", "Probability theory, combinatorics and statistics", "Computer literacy", Center "Dialogue" from 2009 to 2012

Awards and Accomplishments

    • Gratitude for contribution to the implementation of the NTI Accelerator program in the design and educational intensive Archipelago 2023, a responsible approach to the assessment and selection of projects, demonstration of professionalism in working with participants’ projects and promoting the development of innovative products, small technology companies and startups

    Expert at the NTI Intensive Accelerator Archipelago 2023 (PDF, 401 Кб)

    • Gratitude from the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade for his great personal contribution to the organization and conduct of the first educational module of the competition “Personnel for the Digital Industry. Creation of complete design solutions in real time “Cyberdrome. 2023"

      Cyberdrome's gratitude (PDF, 454 Кб)

    • Gratitude for participation in the project Voluntary qualifying exam from the Government of Moscow in 2022

      Diploma of the expert 2022 (PDF, 280 Кб)

    • Gratitude for feedback and evaluation of technology startups at pitch sessions within the framework of the project and educational intersive "Archipelago 2022" from the General Director, Rector of University of the National Technology Initiative 2035 and Executive Director of NTI Platform

    Gratitude for participating in the intensive Archipelago 2022 (PDF, 5,70 Мб)

    • Gratitude from the International Organizing Committee of the 5th Eurasian Summit of Digital Economy Leaders

    Gratitude for cooperation with the Eurasian Summit (PDF, 764 Кб)

    • Winner of the competition of the Foundation for Educational Innovations 2022, Nomination "The practice of introducing team / project work within the framework of scientific and project seminars"

    Extract from protocol (PDF, 136 Кб)

    • Letter of thanks for the preparation of the winner in the nomination "Team Leader" of the Moscow Championship in Leadership Triathlon "Soft Skills 2035" in 2021

      Letter of thanks for the preparation of the winner of Soft Skills 2035 (PDF, 118 Кб)

    • Gratitude from the Higher School of Economics Department of General Education for the preparation and holding of the event within the framework of the international forum "Get Higher with HSE!" 26-27 February 2021

      Letter of thanks "Get higher with HSE!" (PDF, 157 Кб)

    • Gratitude from the Vice-President of the Higher School of Economics I.R. Agamirzyan and Vice-President of PJSC "Promsvyazbank" K.V. Tikhonov for high professionalism, non-standard approach and the use of modern methods of teaching entrepreneurial competencies of officers of the Russian army, leaving the reserve, and the spouse of active military personnel in educational programs in a distance format within the framework of the Small Business Course project, implemented by PJSC Promsvyazbank in partnership with the Higher School of Economics with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2020

      Small Business Course (PDF, 313 Кб)

    • Gratitude for work as an expert in assessing school business projects at the annual conference of the Kinder MBA business school "GLOBAL SCHOOL BUSINESS PROJECT AWARD" from Karina Vladimirovna Medvedeva, Head of the Kinder MBA business school, General Director of JIAn LLC. December 12-19, 2020

      KinderMBA Appreciation 2020 (PDF, 151 Кб)

    • Gratitude for help in holding a speaker session as part of the online blockchain hackathon "CrowdHack 2020" on August 29, 2020

      CrowdHack 2020 (PDF, 87 Кб)

    • Gratitude from the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the city of Moscow for active participation and support of the "Voluntary Qualification Exam" project, as well as for the involved work with young talents. July 31, 2020

      Voluntary qualification exam Acknowledgment (PDF, 172 Кб)

    • Letter of thanks for participation in organizing and conducting robotics competitions for the Governor's Cup of the Moscow Region. December 7, 2019

      Governor's Cup Commendation (PDF, 161 Кб)

    • Gratitude for participation as an expert in the business conference KinderMBA-2019 "GLOBAL SCHOOL BUSINESS PROJECT AWARD", at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov from Karina Vladimirovna Medvedeva, Head of the Kinder MBA Business School, General Director of JIEN LLC. May 18-25, 2019

      KinderMBA-2019 Appreciation (PDF, 205 Кб)

    • Gratitude for assistance in organizing the First International Festival of Children's and Youth Scientific and Technical Creativity "From the screw!" in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria. April 27-29, 2018

      Festival "From the screw!" (PDF, 2,13 Мб)

    • Gratitude from the Department of Education of the city of Moscow for participating in a meeting with schoolchildren of pre-professional engineering classes, informing students about scientific research in the field of technical sciences, development and implementation of new technologies and techniques. December 22, 2017

      Gratitude from the Moscow Department of Education (PDF, 240 Кб)

  • Best Teacher – 2023, 2022

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Lecturers" (2022-2023)

Editorial board membership

  • Member of the editorial board of the journal "Digital Economy Bulletin"

    The Digital Economy Bulletin journal is an international scientific publication whose purpose is to publish the results of scientific research carried out by Russian and foreign scientists. Scientific publications in the journal are one of the main ways to familiarize specialists and the public with the results of scientific activities.

  • 2020: Member of the Editorial Board, Вестник цифровой экономики.


Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2020/2021)


  • 2022
    5-й Евразийский саммит лидеров цифровой экономики, 7-ой международный симпозиум "Управление проектами" (Астана). Presentation: Опыт управления портфелем инновационных проектов по развитию школьного и студенческого технологического предпринимательства
  • 5-й Евразийский саммит лидеров цифровой экономики, Форум школьного и студенческого технологического предпринимательства (Алматы). Presentation: Геймификация и разработка кейсов для развития предпринимательского мышления старшеклассников и студентов
  • 2021
    II Международная конференция «Метрологическое обеспечение инновационных технологий» ICMSIT-II-2021 (Красноярск). Presentation: Technoinnovation as an essential element of training for engineers
  • 7-я Международная научно-методическая конференция «Физико-математическое и технологическое образование: проблемы и перспективы развития» (Москва). Presentation: Odintsova N. I., Solodikhina M. V., Odintsova E.E., Solodikhina A.A. Integrated courses of natural science in high school as a tool to form high-order thinking // Сборник трудов международной научно-практической конференции «Векторы развития высшей школы в контексте цифрового образования» - 2020
  • Международный образовательный форум «Стань выше с Вышкой!» (Москва). Presentation: Школа предпринимательства
  • II Международная научная конференция ASEDU-II 2021: Перспективы развития науки, инженерии, естественно-научного, технического и цифрового образования (Красноярск). Presentation: Solodikhina, М.V., Odintsova, N.I., Odintsova, Е.Е., Solodikhina, А.А. Effect of Critical Thinking on the Adaptation of a Young Science Teacher // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2022. – Vol. 2647. (1,1 п.л., из них авторских - 30%).
  • 2020
    I Международная конференция "ASEDU-I 2020: Перспективы развития естественно-научного, инженерного и цифрового образования" (Красноярск). Presentation: STEM education as the basis for the development of an innovator's thinking
  • III Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЕСТЕСТВЕННОНАУЧНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Школьная проектная деятельность как подготовка к участию в научном студенческом сообществе
  • 2019

    XVI Международная научно-техническая конференция "Современные методы и средства океанологических исследований" (МСОИ-2019) (Москва). Presentation: Студенческий конкурсный гибридный необитаемый подводный аппарат «КУСТО II»

  • XIX Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные образовательные технологии в преподавании дисциплин естественнонаучного цикла» (Тула). Presentation: Солодихина А. А., Солодихина М. В. Естественнонаучная кейс-задача как средство формирования критического мышления // Вестник Тульского государственного университета. Серия "Современные образовательные технологии в преподавании дисциплин естественнонаучного цикла". 2019. № 18. С. 175-179.
  • 2018
    Конкурс научных студенческих статей «Социальное предпринимательство глазами студентов» (Москва). Presentation: Создание условий для реализации программы «Доступная среда» при помощи лестничного подъемника
  • Международная научно-практическая конференция "Байкал-2018" (Ольхонский район, Озеро Байкал). Presentation: Автоматизация сбора экологических данных и поиск габаритного мусора и затонувшей техники гибридным необитаемым подводным аппаратом
  • XVII Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные образовательные технологии в преподавании дисциплин естественнонаучного цикла» (Тула). Presentation: Изучение естественнонаучного материала в соответствии с научным методом познания
  • 2017
    Всероссийская научно-методической конференция с международным участием памяти проф. Н.М. Кожевникова (Москва). Presentation: Школьная проектная деятельность как подготовка к участию в научном студенческом сообществе

Employment history

Brief summary:

* Senior Lecturer at the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, National Research University Higher School of Economics;
* Mentor of the “Startup” trajectory of the SHIP National Research University Higher School of Economics;
* Head of the School of Business Trackers, National Research University Higher School of Economics;
* Author and director of the “School of Entrepreneurship” project of the Distributed Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
* NTI expert; https://experts.nti.work/e-registry/708/profile
* Mentor UMTS "Hydronautics" MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman;
* Editor of the journal “Bulletin of the Digital Economy”;
* Developer of a subcutaneous vascular visualizer (a joint project with PNIPU), remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicles (at MSTU);
* Engaged in the development of programs and interactive equipment for educational institutions;
* Author of the courses “Techno-startup”, “Technological Marketing” and “Design Thinking”, etc. at the Higher School of Economics, Russian Chemical Technology University named after. Mendeleev;
* Presenter of the PSB Small Business Course;
* Trained more than 5,000 people in the basics of entrepreneurship;
* Tracker of innovative projects (Mentor of student innovative projects as part of training in the “Startup from Scratch” direction at the Department of Innovation Management) – until 07.20;
* Curator in the direction of “Intra-corporate entrepreneurship” - until 07.19.
* Creator and host of a blog on TikTok and Likee with a total audience of more than 170 thousand people (planeta_s and solodi_anna).

* Graduated from MSTU. Bauman and National Research University Higher School of Economics;
* Author of more than 70 publications, books and teaching aids on entrepreneurship, innovation, robotics and the use of technology in education;
* Experience in government agencies (project manager in the field of robotics at the Coordination Center under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, program director of the Digital Wave technology festival).


National Research University Higher School of Economics,
11.2018 - Now

  • Senior Lecturer at the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship;
  • Mentor of the “Startup” trajectory at the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • Head of the minor "School of Business Trackers";
  • Tracker of innovative projects (Mentor of student innovative projects within the framework of training in the direction "Startup from scratch" at the Department of Innovation Management) - until 07.20;
  • Head of the School of Entrepreneurship of the HSE Distributed Lyceum;
  • Curator of student teams in the direction of "Intracorporate entrepreneurship" - until 07.19;
  • Leading refresher courses "Entrepreneurial thinking and support for entrepreneurial initiatives of students" and "Management of the commercialization of innovative projects in a scientific institution."


10.2019 - 11.2020

  • Specialist of the Department of International Programs and Projects,
  • Project manager in the field of robotics,
  • Program director of the international technology festival Digital Wave.


12.2019 - Now

  • Special Correspondent,
  • Member of the editorial board.

01.2019 - 11.2019

Specialist of the department for interaction with social partners and public organizations.


Specialty: 15.03.06 "Mechatronics and Robotics"

Faculty: Special mechanical engineering

Department: Underwater robotic systems and devices

Graduation year: 2018

Honors Diploma

Master's Degree
Department of Innovation Management

Master's Program "Management of Research, Development and Innovation in a Company"

Graduation year: 2020

Honors Diploma



A joint project of the Department of Innovation Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the First in Russia Children's Chemical Technopark "Mendeleev Center" DI. Mendeleev for schoolchildren in grades 8-10.

Within the framework of the program, students implement high-tech ideas and find approaches to their commercialization.

A joint project of the Department of Innovation Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and School 2107 of the Distributed Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics for 10th grade schoolchildren.

The program is aimed at fostering entrepreneurial thinking in students, gaining functional literacy and improving communication skills


From 2012 to 2018 - the head of the team of volunteers of the international festival movement for children and youth creativity "Silver Star", held in Moscow, Budapest and Vienna.
From 2016 to 2018 - PR manager and specialist in scientific communication at the Educational and Scientific Youth Center "Hydronautics", Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.
International Real Estate Business Forum 2018: organizer, head of the volunteer movement;
VII International conference Inno-wave 2018: participated in the organization;
Mass sports festival ChemFest 2018, 2019: participated in the organization;
International Exhibition of Chemical Industry and Science 2018: participated in the organization;
All-Russian Festival of Science 2018, 2019, 2020: site organizer Evonik Industries, DOW;
Moscow International Education Fair (MISO) 2019: organizer of the VDC Smena site;
Field Day in the Moscow Region - 2019: site organizer, PJSC Akron;
All-Russian Congress of Digital Development within the framework of the Open Innovations Forum 2019: organizer;
The camp on underwater robotics is a joint project of the Engineeringium Technopark of the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman and UNMC "Hydronautics", program developer, trainer;
Chemist's Day 2020 POLYPLASTIC Group of Companies: organizer, host of the event.
Guest lecturer and expert at events in the field of robotics and youth innovative creativity:

Engineering class at the Moscow School at the Moscow Department of Education,
Governor's Cup in Robotics,
International competition "DETALKA",
Moscow Technical CUP,
MeetUp Mail.Ru Group,
School of Young Baumants,
School for the Development of Digital Competencies and Interactive Robotics in Moscow.
Guest lecturer and expert in entrepreneurship competitions:

Research and design competition "Aerobatics",
Business conference KinderMBA "Global School Business Project Award",
Voluntary qualification exam with the support of the Moscow Government,
All-Russian case-championship of schoolchildren in economics and entrepreneurship from the Higher School of Economics.
Author of over 60 publications devoted to the development of educational programs in entrepreneurship and natural sciences, the study of the world's oceans by various

Timetable for today

Full timetable

HSE University Launches Digital Teaching Consultants Project

In May 2021, 25 digital teaching consultants began work at all campuses of HSE University. Their task is to help colleagues teach effectively online and make use of digital technology in their teaching. All consultants passed a selection by the Expert Committee. Below, HSE News Service tells us about the participants of the new Teach for HSE project.

For Me, Teaching at HSE Is a Continuous Process of Learning and Self-Development

There are quite a few HSE graduates among HSE’s faculty. Four employees of the HSE Innovations Management Department are former and current students of the Department’s Master’s programme in ‘Corporate Research, Development and Innovation Management’. HSE News Service spoke with them to find out why they are working at their alma mater, what teaching means to them, and what they like about their students.