Tag "science"

Junior Research Fellow SAMMA Mikhail Khalilov gave a talk at Supercomputing 2021

On Sunday, 14 November 2021, Junior Research Fellow SAMMA Mikhail Khalilov gave a talk with “Leveraging Interconnect QoS Capabilities for Congestion-Aware MPI Communication” (Authors: Mikhail Khalilov (Huawei Technologies Ltd; National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia) and Aliaksei Slinka and Qingwei Zhang (Huawei Technologies Ltd)) on Workshop: ExaMPI: Workshop on Exascale MPI at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis Supercomputing 2021.

Conference "Mathematical logic, algebra and computation"

On July 18-19 a conference “Mathematical logic, algebra and computation" was held in Moscow. It was organized by the Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Science. The conference was dedicated to the 85th anniversary of academician S. I. Adian.