Tag "sports"

What the World Cup Brings to Russia

Moscow has hosted the second International Conference on the Economics of Football, organized by HSE, the New Economic School, and the Centre for Strategic Development. One of the most topical discussions at the conference was the impact of the 2018 World Cup on the development of the Russian regions, the sporting industry, and the economy as a whole.

Research workshop on Sports Economics

On November 3, the first meeting will open, opening the IDLab regular research workshop on sports economics and sports management.

On 23-24th June New Economic School jointly with Kazan Federal University and Higher School of Economics conducted two-day international conference "Economics of Football" in Kazan

On 23-24th June New Economic School jointly with Kazan Federal University and Higher School of Economics conducted two-day international conference "Economics of Football" in Kazan
Staff of IDlab, Angel Barajas, Dennis Coates, Elena Shakina, Petr Parshakov, Iuliia Naidenova and Anna Bykova, participated in the conference. Researchers presented their papers as well as performed as key speakers on workshops
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