Students of the Master’s Programme in Advanced Trade Policy Granted Awards in the Applied Economic Analysis to International Trade & WTO Dispute Settlement Exercise
HSE University students were granted awards in the hearings in the framework of the Applied Economic Analysis to International Trade & WTO Dispute Settlement Exercise (economic analogue of MOOT court) organised by the World Trade Institute and held at the World Trade Organisation on 24 June 2019.
As a part of the exercise students were challenged to perform estimations of damages caused by a WTO inconsistent non-technical measure imposed by one of the Member-countries against others utilising contemporary approaches to modelling of trade flows, with further argumentation and justification of the approaches chosen.
The work has been performed in close collaboration with coaches: leading economists of the WTO Robert Teh and Eddy Bekkers.
To decide on the outcomes of the dispute a WTO Panel was formed, consisting of Joseph Francois, Managing Director, WTI; Robert Koopman, WTO Chief Economist; Roberta Piermartini, Chief, Trade Costs Section;
HSE students of the 2 nd year of Master's Programme in Advanced Trade Policy, currently studying at the partner university World Trade Institute (Bern) as a part of their academic mobility programme were recognised at personal and team levels for their performance in the exercise.
Team of Georgy Annenkov has been recognised as the winner of the dispute and Daniil Orlov has been granted the Best Orator Award.