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Address: 47/7 Bolshaya Ordynka Ulitsa, Building 1, room 202
SPIN-RSCI: 5746-0206
ORCID: 0000-0001-8932-7808
ResearcherID: N-8885-2014
Scopus AuthorID: 56153479700
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A. Lukin
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Natalia Piskunova

  • Natalia Piskunova has been at HSE University since 2022.

Education and Degrees

  • 2008

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)

  • 2004

    Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

  • 2003

    Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)

  • 2001

    Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.



  • 2024
    ТРЕТИЙ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ФОРУМ «РОССИЯ-АФРИКА: ЧТО ДАЛЬШЕ?» (Москва). Presentation: Uniting to Develop: Assessing Regional Integration Efforts to Foster Sustainable Development in North-East Africa
  • Международная конференция IV Чтения В.Г. Растянникова: «Страны Азии и Африки на пути к многополярному миру» (Москва). Presentation: "Проблема борьбы с последствиями изменения климата в странах Северо-Восточной Африки: институциональный аспект"
  • 2023
    XI Международная научно-практическая конференция "Актуальные проблемы теории и методики обучения истории и обществознанию" (Псков). Presentation: Внедрение элементов игрофикации в преподавание: результаты 2022
  • Научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «Человеческий потенциал в науке и высшем образовании: проблемы и перспективы развития (Москва). Presentation: Введение элементов игрофикации в преподавание международных отношений: опыт 2017 - 2022
  • Форум мировой политики. Глобальный Юг в условиях возрождения великодержавного соперничества (москва). Presentation: Усиление новых игроков в странах Африки: роль Индии, Турции и ОАЭ
  • DECOLONIZING SPACE IN THE GLOBAL EAST (Хельсинки). Presentation: Teaching International Relations in Eurasian context: experience of introducing gamification into classes in Armenia, Tajikistan and Russia in 2018 – 2022
  • Международная научно-практическая конференция "Междисциплинарный подход к изучению благополучия человека" (Чирчик). Presentation: «Введение элементов игрофикации в преподавание: результаты педагогического эксперимента в МГУ в 2017–2022 гг.»
  • ESCAS 2023 Regional Conference: “Power, people and cultural change in an ever evolving Central Asia” (Алматы). Presentation: Teaching International Relations in Eurasian context: experience of introducing gamification into classes in Armenia, Tajikistan and Russia in 2018 – 2022
  • IPSA World Congress (Буэнос-Айрес). Presentation: Gamification in Teaching International Relations in Eurasian Context: Experiment Results from Armenia, Tajikistan, and Russia in 2018-2022
  • Inaugural Prize for the Best Paper on Statehood, Sovereignty, and Conflict (Эссекс). Presentation: Addressing De-Facto Sovereignty in Somalia
  • Круглый стол «Климатическая повестка в международной безопасности» в рамках "Ломоносовских чтений - 2023" (Москва). Presentation: Роль региональных организаций в преодолении последствий засухи в Северо-Восточной Африке в 2010-2022 гг.
  • 2022
    II Всероссийская конференция с международным участием «Творческая лаборатория историка. Темпоральные дискурсы: соединяя прошлое и будущее» (Томск). Presentation: Проблема идентичности в де-факто государствах Пунтленд и Сомалиленд
  • 1st Conference on “Modern global economic, political and social crises and risks" (Москва). Presentation: “De-facto states and unrecognized states: cases of Puntland and Somalia”
  • 35TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZA POLITICA (Рим). Presentation: Assessing Presidential Leadership in Africa: Case of Eritrea
  • 35TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZA POLITICA (Рим). Presentation: The issue of unrecognized/de-facto states: cases of Puntland and Somaliland
  • UACES 52nd Annual Conference (Лилль). Presentation: Russian Foreign Policy and the International Law in 1990s
  • 15th PAN-EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (Афины). Presentation: Russian Foreign Policy and the International Law in 1990s versus 2000s
  • The European Consortium for Political Research General Conference 2022 (Инсбрук). Presentation: Gamification in Teaching International Relations under COVID-19 conditions: Experiment from Russia
  • 9th European Workshops in International Studies (Салоники). Presentation: De-facto states under civil war conditions: assessing sovereignty issues and perspectives of territorial entities in former Somalia
  • 9th European Workshops in International Studies (Салоники). Presentation: De-facto states under civil war conditions: assessing sovereignty issues and perspectives of territorial entities in former Somalia
  • Annual International Conference "Communication, Conflict and Peace" (Ливерпуль). Presentation: Russian Foreign Policy and the International Law in the 1990s versus 2000s
  • 7th Summer Conference CESS Central Eurasian Studies Society (Ташкент). Presentation: Gamification in Teaching International Relations: Experience from Russia
  • The 5th European Conference on Teaching & Learning Politics, International Relations & European Studies (Братислава). Presentation: DEVELOPING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCIES OF EXTRA-CURRICULUM TUTORS AS INTEGRATIVE PART OF ADVANCED TEACHERS’ EDUCATION

  • The 5th European Conference on Teaching & Learning Politics, International Relations & European Studies (Братислава). Presentation: Gamification in Teaching International Relations: Experience from Russia

  • ECPR Joint Series of Workshops (Эссекс). Presentation: What about us? Citizenship problem in unrecognized states: cases of Puntland and Somaliland
  • 79th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference (Чикаго). Presentation: Incorporating Games and Gamification practice into University Teaching courses on International Relations and Foreign Policy
  • In_Equality 2022 Conference (“Ost und West heute. Spannungen und Brüche im Prozess der deutschen Einheit”) (Констанц). Presentation: Uniting to Develop: Assessing Regional Integration Efforts to Foster Sustainable Development in North-East Africa
  • III международная конференция: "Чтения В.Г.Растянникова" Новый этап глобализации и страны Востока в XXI веке, (Москва). Presentation: Проблемы политического и социально-экономического развития Тропической Африки: феномен "Африканских львов развития"
  • 2021
    Understanding Border Securitization in Contemporary Societies (Cluj-Napoca). Presentation: What about us? Citizenship problem in unrecognized states
  • Development of Russian Law conference "Legal Diversity and Regional Encounters: Plural Understandings of Law In Localized Contexts" (Helsinki). Presentation: Russian Foreign Policy and the International Law in 1990s versus 2000s: Using, Misusing, or Creating a New Norm?
  • Всероссийская научная конференция (с международным участием) "Политическое в условиях цифровых трансформаций: философия, наука, технологии" (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Проблема свободы прессы как часть идеологии "осаждённой крепости": ситуация в Эритрее 1993 – 2021
  • 2nd Annual Anglo-American Studies Roundtable (Прага). Presentation: African Ventures revisited: UK and Russian activities compared
  • 51st Annual Conference of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) (Essex). Presentation: Russia’s Return to Africa: A comparative Study of contemporary Russian policies towards Egypt, Algeria and Morocco
  • ECPR General Conference (Innsbruck). Presentation: Gamification in Teaching International Relations: Experience from Russia (part 2)
  • ECPR General Conference (Innsbruck). Presentation: Hunt on Freedom of Speech in Eritrea as Gross Violation of Human Rights: assessing the 1993 - 2021 period
  • ECPR General Conference (Innsbruck). Presentation: Russia’s Return to Africa: A comparative Study of contemporary Russian policies towards Egypt, Algeria and Morocco
  • 5th Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies (Tallinn). Presentation: Russian Foreign Policy And International Law In The 1990s Versus 2000s: Using, Abusing, Or Creating A New Politico-legal Environment?
  • Международная школа медиации (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Современная медиация: обзор основных параметров
  • First Emerging Scholars Workshop on De Facto States (Tartu). Presentation: What about us? Citizenship problem in unrecognized states: cases of Puntland and Somaliland
  • Современные подходы к разрешению и предотвращению международных конфликтов в контексте становления новой системы европейской безопасности (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Проблемы мирного урегулирования конфликта в Сомали на современном этапе
  • ECPR General Conference (Innsbruck). Presentation: Assessing Presidential Leadership in Africa: Case of Eritrea
  • 2014
    25 Years without the Iron Curtain: Challenges for International Actors (прага). Presentation: Alternative Elites in a changing world
  • A World in Crisis (Бангкок). Presentation: Tribal dimension of Somalia conflict
  • ECPR GeneralConference (Глазго). Presentation: Patronate-Based Elites in African Societies: Responsive or Reactive?
  • 2013
    Social Structures and Institutions (Дубровник). Presentation: Social-political structures in action under state failure conditions
  • 2nd International International Conference on Governance and Public Affairs (Мадрид). Presentation: Non-recognized states in civil war conditions:assessing the status and perspectives of territorial entities
  • 1st European Workshop in International Studies (Тарту). Presentation: Statebuilding in conditions of state failure: issue of recognition challenged
  • Politics in crisis? (Ноттингем). Presentation: Statebuilding in conditions of state failure: sovereignty, legitimacy and recognition revisited
  • 2012
    Civil Wars and Revolutionary Challenge (Бирмингем). Presentation: Statebuilding in Conditions of State Failure: Sovereignty, Legitimacy and Recognition Revisited (the case of Somalia)
  • 2011
    Belgrade Security Forum (Белград). Presentation: Preventing State Failure in Western Balkans in Post-crisis Period: Lessons to be Considered

Editorial board membership

  • 2013: Guest Editor, Journal of International Relations and Development.

  • 2013: Member of the Editorial Council, SAGE Open (Sage Open).

  • 2009: Member of the Editorial Council, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies.