School of Linguistics’ Web Corpora Updated
The website ‘’, which hosts corpora, tools for text automatic processing and other linguistic resources created at HSE, has been redesigned and updated.
Now the main page features a quick search function in linguistic corpora created by HSE linguists. In addition, there are infographics with statistics on corpora volume and structure on the home page.
In addition to corpus data the website features different electronic dictionaries (for example, SynonymsInRows or The Dictionary of Russian language from the 11th -17th centuries), as well as tools for automatic text processing, in particular, a syntax parser. There is also a game, Sentinet, that helps you to update the database of key adjectives. is the main storage point for electronic resources developed and supported by HSE School of Linguistics. The updated version of the website was developed by Boris Orekhov, Associate Professor of the School of Linguistics.