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Language Proficiency
Address: St. Petersburg, 3A Kantemirovskaya Ulitsa, Korpus 1, room 321
ORCID: 0000-0001-7275-0765
ResearcherID: A-1009-2008
Google Scholar
Monday 15:30-17:30
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Vladimir Pavlov

  • Vladimir Pavlov has been at HSE University since 2016.


- Teaching general English courses to undergraduate students (English-medium program "International Business and Management Studies")

- Teaching EAP and ESP courses to undergraduate, Master's and PhD students in various programs

- Facilitating teacher-training seminars and workshops on various aspects of English language teaching

- Academic Director, Minor 'Language, Culture and Language Teaching'

- Conducting teacher observations 

- Assisting in curriculum design

- Building courses for the university online learning management system

Education and Degrees

  • 2016

    PhD in Teaching English as a Second Language
    Thesis Title: Challenges faced by English language learners on the Alberta English Language Arts 30-1 reading diploma examination, University of Calgary, Canada

  • 2004

    Master's in Language Education
    Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

  • 2002

    Bachelor's in EFL and Russian as a Foreign Language
    Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

2019 - Cambridge Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (DELTA), Module 1

2019 - Learning to Teach Online, an online course, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

2019 - Teacher Training Conference Experience. Excellence. Expertise (BKC-IH Moscow)

2016 - Cambridge CELTA Trainer

Awards and Accomplishments

Employer's Note of Appreciation, Higher School of Economics, December 2018

Courses (2020/2021)


Article Pavlov V., Smirnova N. V., Nuzhnaia E. Beyond the avatar: Using video cameras to achieve effective collaboration in an online second language classroom // Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. 2021. Vol. 18. No. 7. P. 228-243. doi


Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant, 2007-08


  • 2015
    American Association for Applied Linguistics and Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (Торонто). Presentation: The effect of first language and culture on reading literary texts in L2: The case of high school students in Canada
  • 2014
    Linguistic Diversity and Language Policy Conference (Калгари). Presentation: Challenges faced by English language learners on the Alberta ELA 30-1 Reading and Writing Exam
  • 2013
    Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Conference (Виктория). Presentation: Factors affecting second language reading: The case of the Alberta high school English diploma examination
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Multilingualism Conference (Калгари). Presentation: Reading literary texts: English language learners in Alberta
  • 2012
    TESL Canada Annual Conference (Камлупс). Presentation: ESL challenges on the Alberta English Language Arts diploma examination
  • Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Annual Conference (Калгари). Presentation: Second language learners challenged by an English literature exam: Implications for school and university policy
  • 2011
    The Association for Canadian Studies and The Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Conference (Оттава). Presentation: Multiculturalism policy and Canadian refugees

Employment history

2016 - present    Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

2008-2015 University of Calgary (Canada). Taught ESL courses and courses in Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication (Second Language Learning, Language Teaching Methods, Designing ESL Curriculum, Language Teaching and Technology and others) at the Bachelor's and Master's level

2002 - 2008 ESL/EFL instructor


Timetable for today

Full timetable

‘Teachers’ Day 2021 Inspires to Search for New Solutions’

A two-day seminar called ‘Teaching and Studying in the Time of Digital Transformation—Modern Approaches and Practices’ was held on Teachers’ Day 2021 as part of the Teach for HSE project. Speakers and participants shared ideas and insights that had emerged during the recent period of remote and hybrid teaching, discussing issues of digital etiquette, psychological aspects of online teaching, and new trajectories and opportunities for teachers’ professional growth.