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Individual Curriculum

An Individual Curriculum (IC) is a student's personalised study plan, outlining the specific academic elements (courses and practical training components) they must complete within a set period. It contains detailed information about each element, including the teaching methods, timelines for completion and interim assessments, study loads, and the basis for inclusion in the educational programme.

For most educational programmes, an IC is created for one semester (half a year), and all elements included in the IC must be completed within this period.

How to Access Your IC

Each student's IC is available in the electronic gradebook*.

*except for cases of a special IC, which is issued under certain circumstances and separately approved by the study office of the educational programme

How IC is Formed

An IC includes:

  • Mandatory elements assigned following the curriculum of the student's degree programme.
  • Elective elements chosen by the student through SmartWay (courses) and SmartPro (projects).
  • Additional elements studied beyond the standard volume of the degree programme: electives, additional modules for mastering MicroDegree qualifications, and repeated courses.

When the IC is Considered Approved

Course selection campaigns are organised before the start of each semester to select elective elements of the degree programme.

If a student does not contact their study office within three working days after the campaign's conclusion to report any errors visible in the electronic gradebook, the IC is considered approved by the student for the period.

When the IC is Considered Completed

An IC is considered completed if all elements have been successfully passed (with no unsatisfactory grades) and within the deadlines specified in the IC.

If unsatisfactory results are received for one or two core elements of the IC, it is considered partially completed.

How to Make Changes to the IC

Changes to the IC can be made:

  • based on a personal application by the student;
  • on the initiative of the degree programme's study office, with mandatory agreement of the changes with the student;
  • by the decision of the degree programme manager / academic mentor.

Adjustments to the IC (exclusion*/replacement of courses) are possible in the following cases:

  • academic mobility;
  • transfer to fast-track studies, including credit for courses previously studied at HSE University or other educational institutions that are part of the IC;
  • acceptance of a positive decision by the degree programme's academic supervisor on exclusion or replacement of one or several IC elements;
  • if the student is unable to pursue the IC using the offered teaching technologies;
  • under special circumstances (usually force majeure, including the sudden absence of a teacher; changes in epidemiological situation, etc.), associated with the university's inability to implement certain IC elements or implement them using the offered technologies.

* exclusion of elements from the IC for which interim assessment was conducted is not allowed.

Adjustment of the IC after approval is possible: a student can withdraw from a selected course by submitting an electronic application, provided no more than ten working days have passed since the start of classes for that course; and include another course in the IC, adhering to the same rule of 10 working days from the beginning.

Cases Requiring a Special IC

A special IC is individually prepared for a student based on their application in the following situations:

  • Transfer from one HSE University programme to another.
  • Reinstatement of a student previously expelled from HSE University.
  • Return from academic leave.
  • Transfer to HSE University from another institution.
  • Concurrent pursuit of a second higher education.
  • Transition to fast-track studies.
  • Participation in an academic mobility programme.
  • Repeated study of courses to clear academic failures.


Regulations on Planning and Organizing Electives and Optional Courses under Core Degree Programmes at HSE University

Regulations for Interim and Ongoing Assessments of Students at HSE University

Порядок расчета стоимости обучения по договорам об образовании за счет средств физического и (или) юридического лица при реализации программ высшего образования в НИУ ВШЭ (only available in Russian)


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