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Различия в стратегиях и инструментах продвижения брендов компании Эсти Лаудер (на примере MAC и Clinique)

ФИО студента: Доценко Александра Павловна

Руководитель: Карпова Наталия Станиславовна

Кампус/факультет: Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики

Программа: Международный бизнес (Магистратура)

Год защиты: 2015

In the current world of high competition, new technologies and ongoing innovative process companies all over the world struggle to be the best. With upcoming challenges that they have to face every day, each and every company has to find its own way how to beat its competitors. Some companies are known for its innovative and creative approach; others have just been pioneers in the field and remain famous for being the ‘discoverers’. In the postindustrial era that we live in, media and all sorts of telecommunication technologies play an enormous role in making a business successful. Companies spend billions on commercials and advertising trying to attract new customers. These businesses also care about building a strong, creative and very recognizable brand, which will take their performance way up. Due to rising competition caused by the appearance of many new players on the market, rules of conducting business have been seriously modified. Nowadays it is more often about who is being better known, more interactive with consumers and also who is keeping up with times. Tangible goods are still the main matter of competition, however nowadays they become less unique and don’t provide the customer with an outstanding utility or value. Moreover, in case a company has some unique intangible assets and effective strategic management, it may strengthen its position on the market. Brand is one of those unique intangible assets. Creating a brand is an essential part of any form of business activities but it is surely as important as maintaining a successful brand. Due to being a very complex and multidimensional field, brand management has very numerous tasks that have to result in a famous, strong and flourishing brand. Promoting a brand is a very challenging job that has to be done with regard to many aspects of the brand’s philosophy. Brand promotion is the key element that affects brand’s well-being.

Выпускные квалификационные работы (ВКР) в НИУ ВШЭ выполняют все студенты в соответствии с университетским Положением и Правилами, определенными каждой образовательной программой.

Аннотации всех ВКР в обязательном порядке публикуются в свободном доступе на корпоративном портале НИУ ВШЭ.

Полный текст ВКР размещается в свободном доступе на портале НИУ ВШЭ только при наличии согласия студента – автора (правообладателя) работы либо, в случае выполнения работы коллективом студентов, при наличии согласия всех соавторов (правообладателей) работы. ВКР после размещения на портале НИУ ВШЭ приобретает статус электронной публикации.

ВКР являются объектами авторских прав, на их использование распространяются ограничения, предусмотренные законодательством Российской Федерации об интеллектуальной собственности.

В случае использования ВКР, в том числе путем цитирования, указание имени автора и источника заимствования обязательно.

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