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Инновации в управлении цепями поставок на примере России

ФИО студента: Тюрин Денис Вячеславович

Руководитель: Рудь Виталий Александрович

Кампус/факультет: Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний

Программа: Управление в сфере науки, технологий и инноваций (Магистратура)

Оценка: 7

Год защиты: 2016

Nowadays supply chains are almost everywhere. It is not just a relationships between two economics agents, It is complex and multidimensional system of processes occurring at a various steps of value added creation. Innovations and process innovations, in particular, are also trendy words in modern discourse. It is not obvious, but process innovations are inevitably related to the supply chains, according to the definition of supply chain, mentioned above. Over the last 100 years the approach to the process innovation and supply chain development has changed dramatically. There was the birth in purely economic dimension, then the social issues were on top, eventually environmental and again economic dimensions started to prevail. This concept of the three dimensional approach to the development of society, production and environment in the long-term scope got its name “Tipple-Bottom Line” in the middle of 80s. Combining the Sustainable dimension with the supply chains, the concept of Sustainable supply chain management appears. This is about the implementation of the process innovations in the three dimensions a supply chain. Nowadays, globalization, the diversification of production and high instability of economies mean for almost every company the need to compete in even more demanding business environments then ever in the past. In this circumstances, Russian business obviously suffers from the consequences of an economic recession due to the global economic crisis and the strains with the Western partners. Does it mean that the sustainable, or i.e. long-term development goes on the back burner again? Or maybe it was never on the foreground in Russia? Could the sustainability be the lifetube for the companies suffering from the crisis? Or it is just a money down the drain? This paper seeks to answer these and other questions related to the implementation of process innovations in supply chains located n Russia.

Текст работы (работа добавлена 16 мая 2016 г.)

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