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Перспективы сотрудничества стран БРИКС с точки зрения участия в ГЦСС

ФИО студента: Бахиркина Екатерина Юрьевна

Руководитель: Миронова Екатерина Андреевна

Кампус/факультет: Факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики

Программа: Мировая экономика (Бакалавриат)

Оценка: 8

Год защиты: 2017

The inclusion of the BRICS countries’ producers in the global value chains influences the trade volume in their sphere of operation and presents opportunities for economically expedient cooperation within the group. However, the issue of the BRICS members’ participation in the value chains has not been carefully reviewed. Besides, the efficiency of adopting trade policy measures promoting Russian Federation engagement in the process of value added creation does not seem to have received sufficient attention. This study aims at revealing the prospects for the BRICS countries’ co-operation within the value chains and indicating the extent to which the latter may be spurred via trade policy tools. The author carries out in-depth analysis of the specificities of group’s inclusion in the generation of added value and reveals the prospective spheres of collaboration. Further, econometric model is built in order to assess the dependency of the degree of Russia’s involvement in the interaction with the other BRICS countries within global value chains in particular industry on the strictness of tariff regulation and the volume of value added created by the industry. The present paper demonstrates the expediency of co-operation among the BRICS countries in the industries corresponding to the national economies’ needs and indicates the inefficiency of adopting trade policy measures so as to induce deeper interaction within the group. The study, therefore, contributes to the research in both spheres of trade policy and international economics. Keywords: global value chains, added value, BRICS, international trade.

Текст работы (работа добавлена 11 мая 2017 г.)

Выпускные квалификационные работы (ВКР) в НИУ ВШЭ выполняют все студенты в соответствии с университетским Положением и Правилами, определенными каждой образовательной программой.

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