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Разработка модели бизнес-решений с использованием искусственного интеллекта и интуиции

ФИО студента: Хассан Реда Хемдан Махмуд

Руководитель: Поршнев Александр Валерьевич

Кампус/факультет: Факультет менеджмента (Нижний Новгород)

Программа: Управление бизнесом в глобальных условиях (Магистратура)

Год защиты: 2020

One of the most significant areas of future fast-growing information technology is the technological advancement of artificial intelligence and big data. This technological improvement enables businesses to transform themselves into data-driven companies. With this rapid advancement in technology and complexity in businesses, managers and decision-makers are seeking smarter and more practical solutions in order to make better decisions especially with this enormous amount of data available and information technology tools. The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and intuition in decision-making. In addition to exploring the outcomes of using artificial intelligence and intuition in decision making in order to reach a final conclusion, whether to use intuition or artificial intelligence in decision making?. In order to fulfil the purpose, two research questions and two hypotheses have been proposed in this thesis. Within this study, a novel business decision-making model has been developed. This model combines the power of both human and artificial intelligence. It has been suggested that it is better for decision-maker to combines the power of both human intuition and artificial intelligence to make better decisions. By applying this model, management and decision-makers can gain two main advantages (i.e. first, leverage the strengths of both artificial intelligence and human. Second, avoid the weaknesses of following only human intuition or artificial intelligence in decision-making). In this research, it has been decided to use the survey as a research strategy. By choosing the survey, it was possible to diversify the composition of the participants. This research has two purposes: First, descriptive. Hence, the data will be gathered throughout an online survey. Second, exploratory since the study aims to gain a better understanding and to explore the role of artificial intelligence and intuition in decision-making process. The findings and conclusion have been presented by answering the research questions. Finally, the implications for management, theories and future research, were discussed.

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