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Tag "bachelor's programmes"

Illustration for news: Congratulations to our first international applicants recommended for the full scholarship admission!

Congratulations to our first international applicants recommended for the full scholarship admission!

First international applicants of the bachelor and master programs were approved for scholarship admission just recently. We congratulate these high achievers and their families with the first success towards their great careers in finance, economics and statistics!

Illustration for news: ‘I Will Use the Holidays to Reflect on my Plans, Recharge, and Refresh Myself’

‘I Will Use the Holidays to Reflect on my Plans, Recharge, and Refresh Myself’

Over 450 international students from all over the globe currently study at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Some of them have recorded video greetings, talked about celebrations in their home countries, and shared their ideas on how to spend the winter holidays in Russia. Below, we publish the second part of their interviews.

Illustration for news: ‘Winter in Russia is a Season of Romance and Cold, Solemnity and Vitality’

‘Winter in Russia is a Season of Romance and Cold, Solemnity and Vitality’

Over 450 international students from all over the globe currently study at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Some of them have recorded video greetings, talked about celebrations in their home countries, and shared their ideas on how to spend the winter holidays in Russia.

Illustration for news: Faculty of Economic Sciences Holds Math BootCamps for Those Starting Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees

Faculty of Economic Sciences Holds Math BootCamps for Those Starting Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees

More than 200 future bachelor’s and master’s students from around the world spent the last two weeks of summer improving their mathematical knowledge and honing their problem-solving skills. The free online classes have been held for the fourth year in a row. They allow first-year students not only to succeed in their studies, research, and project activities at HSE University’s Faculty of Economic Sciences (FES), but also to quickly integrate into the international community of students, graduates, and teachers.