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Danila Ivanov's report at the Congress in Lyon

D.V. Ivanov presented a report on the relationship between dispositions and the experience of guilt due to violation of inclusive norms by agents of inclusion.

Danila Ivanov's report at the Congress in Lyon

The 10th Congress of the French Sociological Association

At the 10th Congress of the French Sociological Association, held in Lyon (France), Danila Ivanov presented his report «Dispositions comme la mobilisation des “ moral biases”: une étude expérimental de la culpabilité comme émotion morale chez les agents de l’inclusion au sein des musées d’art». The report was included in section RT 39 "Identite ́ - subjectivite ́ - revendication - changement social" under the direction of Christine Castelen-Meunier (see acknowledgments section below).

Palais Hirsch. Grand Amphi

The central result in the presentation was the substantiation of the significance of the correlation between the possession of artistic dispositions by the agents of inclusion and the degree of guilt experience in a situation of a clear violation of the norms of inclusive culture. The result was based on a detailed analysis of a specific precedent for violating inclusive norms. 

Presentation of D. Ivanov

Based on the report, a discussion was organized. It emphasized the implications of the practical usefulness of the results. Among problematic parts was the ambiguity of the distinctino of emotions such as guilt and shame, which usually resonate in the narratives of the informants, but conceptually should have an autonomous operationalization.

University of Lyon 2 from the opposite bank of the Rhone

Also, in addition to participating in the RT 39 section, D. Ivanov was a discussant and listener of the RT49 section "Histoire de la sociologie". In the course of the work of this section, many productive discussions were developed with the participation of such social scientists as Serge Paugam, Patricia Vanier and others, with whom there was a chance to discuss a number of issues related to both the theoretical level of understanding of exclusion (see the report on the definition of the concept of "exclusion"), and with the empirical tasks of the study of solidarity developed in the context of the museum project.

Acknowledgments section

The presentation of the report would not have been possible without the financial and organizational support of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, for which I thank the Laboratory staff and Labarotory Head – Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova, in particular.

Special sincere thanks to Clélia Paladini for her help in preparing the report in French, as well as for many useful comments, tips, and recommendations for improving the presentation that were the factors of its success!

Danila Ivanov