
Special issue of the journal Optimization Letters on"Clustering and Search Techniques in Large Scale Networks"is now published

Russia's Innovation Facade

Russia’s state-controlled push for innovation is widely discussed, but has had little real impact. “The Diplomat” quotes the findings of the HSE researchers from the chapter on Russia's innovation system “How to Design a National Innovation System in a Time of Global Innovation Networks: A Russian Perspective” published in “The Global Innovation Index 2016” report.

HSE completed S&T Foresight Study for the Agricultural Sector 2030

The RF Ministry of Agriculture approved the findings of the S&T Foresight Study for the Agricultural Sector 2030 conducted jointly with HSE. Preliminary results were reviewed at a meeting of the Government Commission on the Agricultural Sector and Sustainable Development of Rural Areas chaired by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on 13 December, 2016. Leonid Gokhberg, HSE First Vice Rector and ISSEK Director, comments on how realistic the scenarios included in the study are, what Russia should be preparing to, and how HSE is helping to advance the Russian agriculture.

The Head of the Laboratory, Elena Shakina has presented Laboratory achievements and future plans on the extended meeting of Academic Council of NRU HSE, Perm branch

Elena Shakina has presented a report on scientific publications of the laboratory for 2014-2016 as well as the laboratory's strategic plans for 2017-2019.

Cross-cultural study of the environmental quality perception of the HSE Campuses in Moscow by the students

On February 2 Kirill Ilnitski (PhD, postdoc at ILSCR) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Cross-cultural study of the environmental quality perception of the HSE Campuses in Moscow by the students".

Call for papers: European Happiness Days, (Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 20-22)

Starting on the official UN International Day of Happiness, the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation will organize the European Happiness Days at the Erasmus University Rotterdam from Monday March 20 until Wednesday March 22, 2017. The deadline for submission is February 9, 2017.

New year – fresh papers!

The new 2017 starts happily with the addition of six fresh-from-press research papers added to the Lab's repository!

International partnership

Andrei Yakovlev, Head of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies, has joined the Scientific Advisory Board of the Leibniz-ScienceCampus EEGA Project.

Another session of the joint Research Seminar on Diversity and Development

Elena Podkolzina, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Economics, and Senior Research Fellow, Center for Institutional Studies at HSE, presented her paper "Corruption perception and competition in public procurement: empirical evidence from Russian regions" (co-authored with P. Detkova and A. Tkachenko) on January 31th, 2017.

Research Seminar on February 3, 2017

Topic: Sorting when firms have size
Speaker: Maxim Goryunov (European University Institute, Florence)
The workshop will take place at 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room 358 (3rd floor) at 16:50.