
Ever Fewer Russians View Science as Entirely Positive

This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the HSE’s Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), based on a survey of people aiming to establish the level of trust members of the general public have in science and technology.

Professor and President

Professor and President
In the end of July it became officially known that the academic supervisor of the International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making, Professor Hervé Moulin, was elected as Vice President of the International Game Theory Society (GTS).

Olga Dragoy at the Annual meeting of the Society of the Neurobiology of Language

The conference was held in  London, UK, August 17-20, 2016

What Employers Expect from Graduates

What Employers Expect from Graduates
Personal qualities and experience are graduates' key assets in applying for their first job, followed by technical knowledge and skills deemed far less important by Russian employers, according to HSE researchers.

Junior Research Fellow Alexander Ponomarenko got a scholarship

Alexander Ponomarenko has been awarded a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation

What Are the Russian Elites Going to Build?

In the last number RUSSIAN ANALYTICAL DIGEST was published article «What Are the Russian Elites Going to Build?» (author A. Yakovlev). This paper reflects the results of a research project funded within the framework of the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE).

Russia's Ranking in Global Innovation Index

Russia is 43rd in the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2016, up five positions from its 2015 ranking. Just as last year, Switzerland, Sweden, U.K., U.S. and Finland remain the top-ranking countries in the GII. These are the findings from the GII 2016 report comparing the performance of national innovation systems in 128 economies.

Russia's Ranking in Global Innovation Index

Russia is 43rd in the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2016, up five positions from its 2015 ranking. Just as last year, Switzerland, Sweden, U.K., U.S. and Finland remain the top-ranking countries in the GII. These are the findings from the GII 2016 report comparing the performance of national innovation systems in 128 economies.

WAPOR Regional Conference Program is Available Online

We are glad to inform you that the preliminary program of the WAPOR Regional Conference “Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change” is available online.

Reasons Why Urban Russians Don't Move to Countryside

The wide popularity of ecovillages in Russia is little more than a myth. Most urban Russians who have considered living in the countryside have a dacha or cottage community in mind, rather than real farm and agricultural work.