
Green Economy Will Help to Eradicate Poverty

In October, at the invitation of HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, Holger Schlör, leading researcher at Jülich Research Centre’s (Forschungszentrum Jülich) Institute of Energy and Climate Research (Germany) spoke to HSE students and staff. According to him, Germany (which the OECD calls “green growth laboratory”) is planning to completely switch to green energy by 2050, generating 80% of energy from renewable sources.

Lecture by William Thomson (University of Rochester) in DeCAn lab

On Wednesday, October 26 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. Professor William Thomson from the University of Rochester gave a lecture on «Preference manipulations lead to the uniform rule»

Photo Galleries of the International Academic Conference "Foresight and STI Policy"

Photo Galleries of the International Academic Conference "Foresight and STI Policy"

HSE ISSEK Scholars Publish a Book on Foresight for Science, Technology and Innovation

In their new book, Foresight for Science, Technology and Innovation (Springer, 2016), Ian Miles, Ozcan Saritas and Alexander Sokolov introduce the term ForSTI to describe future-oriented analyses, informed by participative processes (to assess evidence, articulate possibilities, and propose actions), that are designed  to feed into STI decision-making. The book was presented during recent conference Foresight and STI conference at HSE.

PhDs Within and Outside of the National Labour Market

PhD holders’ careers analysis shows that getting an academic degree is no longer enough for a career in research. The chances of getting a permanent job, of getting a good position at a university or research centre depend not only on one’s academic degree but also on one’s experience, competencies and portfolio.

Sociologists Outlined Institutional Landscape of Russian Physics

Sociologists Outlined Institutional Landscape of Russian Physics
Social scientists from National Research University Higher School of Economics measured scientific capital of 39 physics institutions of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). More detailed information about research results can be found in the journal Scientometrics. Sociologists from ISSEK HSE Yuriy Kachanov and Natalia Shmatko and researcher from USA Yulia Markova tried to answer to this question on the basis of RAS physics institutions data.

International Academic Conference "Foresight and STI Policy": Videos of the sessions

International Academic Conference "Foresight and STI Policy": Videos of the sessions

Congratulations to Anna Mironova for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis

October 21, Anna A. Mironova (research intern at Lab) successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis "Private intergenerational transfers in different types of households".