
Online conference 'Digital Governance and Public Administration: Interdisciplinary Insights from Research'

September 26, 2024

This virtual conference tries to provide multiple perspectives on the developments in digital public administration and governance. 

XV International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE)

October 23-25, 2024

Discussions will be built around the following topics:

  • Efficiency and wellbeing in university management 
  • Labor market demands for effective universities 
  • Effective development of universal competences 
  • Psychological wellbeing of students and teachers 
  • Big data and learning analytics in efficiency and wellbeing research
  • The academic profession and academic personnel training
  • Efficiency and wellbeing in extracurricular activities 

Fall into ML 2024: Conference on Machine Learning

October 25-26, 2024

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): general machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, ML applications (industry, natural sciences, healthcare, neuroscience, social good, climate science, etc.), language models, computer vision, trustworthy machine learning, optimization (convex and non-convex optimization, matrix/tensor methods, etc.), robotics and autonomous vehicles.

Past Conferences

ICSID Conference for Young Scholars

September 16-17, 2024

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • The role of institutions in economic development;
  • Human capital and economic development;
  • The role of technology in modern world;
  • Regional development and social institutions;
  • Social capital and cultural norms;
  • Experimental research in the social sciences;
  • History and persistence of economic growth;
  • Comparative cross-country studies of institutions and development.

International conference 'Algebraic Topology and Applications'

July 15-17, 2024

Toric topology is a new rapidly developing area of mathematics, lying at the intersection of topology, combinatorics, polytope theory, combinatorial commutative algebra, algebraic and symplectic geometry and characterized by deep interrelations of ideas and methods arising in these areas. Toric topology studies the actions of a compact torus on smooth manifolds and cellular spaces whose orbit spaces contain rich combinatorial structures. The planned conference comprehensively covers the above areas. 

Interdisciplinary Conference 'Researching the Deaf Community'

May 31-June 2, 2024

The organisers invite researchers of the deaf and sign language community, as well as specialists in the theory and practice of social integration in Russia and abroad: scientists, consultants, practitioners, students and postgraduates, representatives of public organizations and businesses to participate.

International Conference 'Law in the Digital Age'

March 1, 2024

The agenda of the conference includes the issues of all law branches in the context of digital transformation.

Scientific Student Conference 'The Youth in Science: Challenges and Prospects'

April 2, 2024

The aim of the conference is to encourage talented and ambitious students to share their research results on acute academic issues.

International Conference 'Birational Geometry'

April 4, 2024