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Магистратура 2020/2021

Проектный семинар

Лучший по критерию «Полезность курса для расширения кругозора и разностороннего развития»
Лучший по критерию «Новизна полученных знаний»
Статус: Курс обязательный (Прикладная и междисциплинарная история)
Направление: 46.04.01. История
Когда читается: 2-й курс, 1 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Прогр. обучения: Прикладная и междисциплинарная история
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 2
Контактные часы: 10

Course Syllabus


The objective of the discipline "Project Seminar" is the familiarity of students with the basic principles of developing and implementing academic projects and projects in the field of public history .
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Students would be familiarity with the basic principles of developing and implementing academic projects and projects in the field of public history .
  • The student would be able to work with information: identify, evaluate and use information from a variety of sources for scientific and professional purposes (including with a systematic approach), to analyze historical sources, scientific texts and reports, to review scientific literature in Russian and foreign languages
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • The student would be able to work with information: identify, evaluate and use information from a variety of sources for scientific and professional purposes (including with a systematic approach), to analyze historical sources, scientific texts and reports, to review scientific literature in Russian and foreign languages
  • The student would be able to conduct independent fundamental and ap-plied research using classical and modern methodology, analysis of prob-lems, setting goals and objectives, selection of the object and subject of research, choice of research mode and methods, as well as assessment of its quality, to analyze the obtained information using modern software, to present the results of research with special terminology.
  • He/she would be capable of extracting, selecting and structuring information from a variety of types of sources according to professional objectives, be able e to mo-tivate other people to independent work and to develop strategies aimed at preservation, recognition of items and objects as monuments and sites of cultural and historical heritage
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction Seminar 2.
    Presentations by invited participants, presentation of practical opportunities, discussion.
  • Group discussion of internship plans and results
    Students presentations. Group presentations on the results of trial practice.Discussion of plans for the passage of research practice, distribution and discussion of tasks.
  • Group project presentations.
    Final student presentations. Presentation of the results of research internships and practices of the first year. Group discussion of the projects for the future generation of students.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking presentation
  • non-blocking Presentation defense
  • non-blocking In-class participation
  • non-blocking presentation
  • non-blocking Presentation defense
  • non-blocking Participation in classes
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (1 module)
    0.3 * In-class participation + 0.3 * presentation + 0.4 * Presentation defense


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Shaping Higher Education with Students – ways to connect Research and Teaching. (2018). Netherlands, Europe: UCL Press. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.57D07FB9

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Lewis, M., Steele, J. L., Santibañez, L., Stecher, B. M., Hamilton, L., Faxon-Mills, S., … RAND Corporation. (2013). Proficiency-Based Pathways in Three Pilot Programs: Examining Implementation and Outcomes. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=eric&AN=ED564063