
Профессиональная коммуникация в сфере юриспруденции
Курс по выбору (Юриспруденция)
40.03.01. Юриспруденция
Кто читает:
Департамент иностранных языков
Где читается:
Юридический факультет (Санкт-Петербург)
Когда читается:
3-й курс, 4 модуль
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Чумилкин Сергей Владимирович
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The discipline is designed for third year students of programme 40.03.01 Legal studies and aims at developing the level of communicative competence for successful performance in professional environment. Students will have a chance to systemize their knowledge of the language and also develop and expand their active and passive vocabulary in legal sphere. The course helps to increase the level of comprehending of professional legal English together with introduction of successful behavior strategies. To reach these goals except for base textbooks an authentic materials including significant cases of past and recent years. Students will have an opportunity to create different legal texts from articles of association to the project of constituion. The language of discipline is English.
Learning Objectives
- The course aims at developing language competence in legal sphere in different modes of professional communication for successful solving legal issues
- The course is to help students to form professional socio-cultural skills in English to be able to perform adequately in international labour market
- After the course students improve their ability to solve legal issues and tasks in English both in academic and professional ways
- The course will maintain student's ability to create their own Legal documents in English and conduct adequate professional communication without any loss of their prestige
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Student knows basic lexis about trial and constitution
- Reads and understands authentic English professional texts, newspapers, magazines
- is able to conduct successful professional communication in authentic situations
- Student is able orally and in written form to create texts for breaching of contract claim
- Student is able to find necessary legal information in professional English texts
- Students is able to conduct professional communication during traffic accidents
- Students knows how to fill forms of Europrotocol during traffic accidents and can give legal recommendations to clients
- Student interprets texts of constitutions, trial protocols and decisions using relevant terminology
- Student conducts communication in legal sphere dealing with main issues of trial and constitutional law
- Student knows lexis that is needed for successful analyses of cases dealing with employment law
- Students finds and interprets information in professional English texts connected with employment law
- Students is able orally and written form to conduct successful communication solving issues in employment law cases
- Student knows main terms and notions in International law
- Student creates legal texts in various genres which can be used in UN organisation.
- Student knows legal words and terminology which is used at the stage of company formation
- Student fills, edits and creates legal documents which are obligatory for company formation in England
- Student is acquainted with forms which are obligatory for forming company in England
- Student knows how to create a successful presentation for his legal colleagues
- Students creates relevant presentation using correct plan and required terminology on the agenda of shareholders' meeting
- Student successfully protects his client's interests in shareholders' meeting
Course Contents
- Human rightsFeatures of language used in UN discourse. Analyzing documents of the UN, creating documents about human rights. Analyses of the flag case in US
- Company formation & board meetingCreating documents for company formation, board meetings minutes’ task, writing minutes after watching video.
- Marketing AgreementsA Role play about merger with another company, company name changing, сase discussions
- Shareholders’ meetingsBoard meeting documents, сreating a speech to shareholders; How to make successful notes. Creating documents and minutes, registering patents.
- Breach of contract claimWriting letter of claim: principles. Drafting a letter of claim, role play: take necessary information from the client and create a letter of claim
- Road traffic accidentEntering into legal correspondence on behalf of the client, feeling Euro protocol documents, case on the topic
- Employment LawPrinciples of employment contract writing, Discussing cases; Unfair dismissal claim
- International LawCreating supra national structure, international conventions
- Trial and ConstitutionStudying principles of trial and constitutions of different countries. Language for writing Constitutions
Assessment Elements
- EssayThe essay is a home task, students are to write at least 250 words
- Oral examStudent is given a short case description. Student has 15 minutes to get ready, after that he or she gives analyses to the case. Экзамен проводится в устной форме (обсуждение кейса). Экзамен проводится на платформе Zoom (https://zoom.us/). К экзамену необходимо подключиться за 10 минут до начала. Компьютер студента должен удовлетворять требованиям: наличие рабочей камеры и микрофона, поддержка Zoom. Для участия в экзамене студент обязан: при ответе включить камеру и микрофон. Во время экзамена студентам запрещено: выключать камеру и микрофон. Кратковременным нарушением связи во время экзамена считается нарушение связи менее минуты. Долговременным нарушением связи во время экзамена считается нарушение минута и более. При долговременном нарушении связи студент не может продолжить участие в экзамене. Процедура пересдачи аналогична процедуре сдачи.
- Filling in forms and creating documentsStudents are to complete this as written task in class or at home. The forms may be handed in both in printed or electronic way
- PresentationPresentation is given to a student once a course. The presentation lasts not more 6 mintues
- Role-playsRole-play is held in the class, the game lasts 30 minutes.
- Project of Constitution of Islandic countryThe Lecturer is to give students islandic country. They need to write a draft of the country's constitution in which some part will be taken from other constitution and some will be written by students. The task is completed iat home. Students have three weeks to finish the task.
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (4 module)0.1 * Essay + 0.2 * Filling in forms and creating documents + 0.3 * Oral exam + 0.1 * Presentation + 0.1 * Project of Constitution of Islandic country + 0.2 * Role-plays
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Legal English for Graduate Students: International Law / Попов Е.Б. - М.:НИЦ ИНФРА-М, 2016. - 92 с.: 60x90 1/16 ISBN 978-5-16-015766-5 - Текст : электронный. - URL: http://znanium.com/catalog/product/760141
- Legal English: Quick Overview: Англ.язык в сфере юриспруд.Базовый курс: Учебник для бакалавров / Попов Е.Б.,Феоктистов Е.М.,Халюшева Г.Р. - 2-е изд.,перераю и доп.- М.: НИЦ ИНФРА-М,2016-314 с.: 60x90 1/16.- (ВО:Бакалавриат)(П) ISBN 978-5-16-011158-2 - Режим доступа: http://znanium.com/catalog/product/515106
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- International Legal English. A course for classroom or self-study use, Krois-Lindner, A., 2011