
Культурный туризм: модели поведения потребителей
Кто читает:
Департамент менеджмента
Где читается:
Санкт-Петербургская школа экономики и менеджмента
Когда читается:
3, 4 модуль
Кузьмина Ксения Алексеевна,
Райтер Ксения Алексеевна
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The course «Consumer behavior in cultural tourism» is focused on both the study of the theoretical concepts of consumer behavior in tourism (particularly in cultural tourism) and the development of managerial skills: to analyze the consumer decision process (internal and external influences on consumer behavior), to segment the target audience, to conduct market consumer research, to use marketing communication tools in order to promote products of cultural tourism, to manage the cultural tourism attractions. The course includes studying of the basic characteristics of consumer behavior in different kinds of cultural tourism; marketing programs used in the cultural and tourism organizations; processes of commercialization of art and culture. New trends (a rapid increase of the share of individual travelers, tourists’ orientation on the virtual services and interactive practices) will be analyzed in details.
Learning Objectives
- to analyze the consumer decision process (internal and external influences on consumer behavior)
- to segment the target audience
- to conduct market consumer research
- to use marketing communication tools in order to promote products of cultural tourism
- to manage the cultural tourism attractions
Expected Learning Outcomes
- To possess methods of gathering and organizing information; being able to apply those methods to solve specific problems; being able to define the target audience’s needs.
- Being able to develop an innovative approach (tools, products) for the qualitative improvement of the facilities in the creative sector.
- Being ready on the basis of the theoretical concepts and practical examples from the field of creative industries to identify niches that might be successful for the cooperation between culture, creativity and entrepreneurship.
- To possess methods of gathering and organizing information; being able to apply those methods to solve specific problems; being able to define the target audience’s needs
- Being ready on the basis of the theoretical concepts and practical examples from the field of creative industries to identify niches that might be successful for the cooperation between culture, creativity and entrepreneurship
- Being able to define the target audience’s needs.
Course Contents
- Internal influences on consumer behavior in cultural tourismTypes, meanings, and characteristics of cultural tourism. Consumer as a subject of marketing analysis. Psychological foundations of behavior: learning, attitudes and beliefs, perception, memory, values and motivation. Models of consumer behavior in cultural tourism. ‘Push’ and ‘pull’ factors. Consumer decision making: approaching a decision, decision and consequences.
- External influences on consumer behavior in cultural tourismConsumer society: high vs massive consumer behavior. The role of Age, Personality, Income, Gender, Nationality on tourist choices. Influence of groups, social class and family structure. Cultural Influences on consumer behavior. Destination image and its influence on tourist choice. The role of tour guide and interpretations of meanings
- Consumer behavior and consumer researchMarket research methods. Quantitative and qualitative methods. Focus groups and in depth interviews. Observational methods. Ethnographic methods. Surveying consumers. Social media monitoring
- Marketing communication tools: particularities in cultural tourismMarketing strategy within the corporate strategy of tourism market stakeholders. Impact of various types of media on consumer behavior (in particular decision making process). Particularities and ways of communicating with consumers in cultural tourism. Product/ service/offers positioning in tourism market, advertising and promotion
- Managing consumer behavior in cultural tourism attractionsPrediction of emerging consumer needs. The emerging of new tourist markets. Cooperation of federal and local authorities, local communities and business in creation and promotion of tourist products. Management of tourist cultural attractions with the consideration of consumer needs, consumer experiences and practices. Tourist decision making about visiting Russia and Russian cultural attractions. Tourist participation and co-construction
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (4 module)Students’ progress is monitored during the course by: - individual work (five home assignments, based on reading articles, discussing and solving cases at the end of each topic). Individual work assignments (only paper versions) are to be handed in before class on the day they are due. No late individual work is accepted. - class work includes: five written tests during lectures and individual and group work at seminars. - homework consists of the group project presentation. Each group consists of approximately 3-5 students and presents the consumer research for the Museum. 0,4 seminars + 0,2 lectures + 0,2 individual work + 0,2 homework
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Kumra, R. Consumer Behaviour. Mumbai, Global Media, 2006. – URL: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/hselibrary-ebooks/reader.action?docID=3011355&ppg=1&query=consumer%20behaviour
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Nair, S. R. (2009). Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research : (text and Cases) (Vol. Rev. ed). Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Publishing House. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=332241