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Обычная версия сайта

Поведение потребителей

Статус: Маго-лего
Когда читается: 2 модуль
Охват аудитории: для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 3
Контактные часы: 24

Course Syllabus


The course explores the conceptual foundations of consumer behavior. Students develop deep theoretical knowledge about the influence of various types of factors on consumer behavior, motives and models for making purchasing decisions; as well as practical skills in applying the theory of consumer behavior to solving practical problems of marketing strategic planning, market segmentation, positioning of the company and its brands, implementation of advertising campaigns.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • model consumer behavior and purchase decision making process based on consumer typology
  • collect and analyze information on consumer behavior using qualitative and quantitative research methods
  • form marketing strategies based on consumer behavior research
  • develop recommendations for improving companies’ marketing activities based on assessment of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • be able to collect, analyze, store data in accordance with common scientific and ethical standards
  • be able to conduct research activity in an educational institutions and management of students’ research activity
  • be able to follow ethical norms and standards in professional field
  • be able to participate in Russian and international research projects
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Main macroeconomic trends in consumer behavior. Features of the behavior of Russian consumers.
  • Research of consumer preferences based on consumer typology. Consumer modeling.
  • Models of purchase decision making process.
  • Consumer behavior research: Qualitative methods for gathering marketing information
  • Consumer behavior research: Quantitative methods for gathering marketing information
  • Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Test with open and single/multiple choice questions
    The student has to answer to open and single/multiple choice questions.
  • non-blocking Exam
    The student has to answer to open and single/multiple choice questions. Time limit is 80 minutes.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2022/2023 2nd module
    0.5 * Test with open and single/multiple choice questions + 0.5 * Exam


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Consumer behavior, Blackwell, R. D., 2001
  • Nair, S. R. (2009). Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research : (text and Cases) (Vol. Rev. ed). Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Publishing House. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=332241

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Consumer behavior, Hoyer, W.D., 2001
  • Consumer behaviour, Solomon, M., 2006
  • Franses, P. H., & Paap, R. (2001). Quantitative Models in Marketing Research. Cambridge University Press.
