
Социально-эмоциональное развитие
Кто читает:
Департамент образовательных программ
Когда читается:
1, 2 модуль
Охват аудитории:
для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Канонир Татьяна,
Котова Татьяна Николаевна,
Куликова (Пономарева) Алена Александровна,
Петракова Анастасия Владимировна
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The course will focus on the social and emotional side of the developmental process. During the course we will discuss The special role of the social and emotional spheres in human development during different age periods: infancy, early childhood, pre-school and school age and adolescence. We will also talk about the features of measurement in the field of social and emotional development. You will like this course if you find social and emotional skills as important as academic achievements and cognitive development.
Learning Objectives
- To form ideas about modern data and actively developing models in the field of studying socio-emotional development To enable the application of research and diagnostic methods in the field of socio-emotional development in interaction with real children To form an idea of the role of social and emotional development in education: significance, measurement, formation.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Be able to justify the (in)application of insights from economics, psychology, and sociology in different situations
- A student knows the history of the discipline and subfields
- know ethics in cognitive science;
- Able to think critically and interpret the experience (personal and of other persons), relate to professional and social activities
- - apply the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct to situations involving issues of professional integrity;
- GPC-2 Able to plan, develop and implement scientific research programs to solve theoretical and practical problems in the field of professional activity, apply sound methods for evaluating research and applied programs
- GPC-3 Able to use evidence-based approaches and valid methods of quantitative and qualitative diagnostics and assessment to solve scientific, applied and expert problems
- GPC-5 Able to develop and implement evidence-based intervention programs of a preventive, developmental, corrective or rehabilitative nature to solve a specific psychological problem of individuals, groups and (or) organizations
- GPC-7 Able to conduct educational and psychological and preventive activities among various categories of the population in order to improve the psychological culture of society and understand the role of psychology in solving socially and individually significant problems in the field of health care and related areas
- PC-1 is able to formulate problems, goals and objectives of the study, based on an analysis of the achievements of modern psychological science and practice, substantiate hypotheses, develop a program and methodological support for research
- PC-5 Knows diagnosis, examination and correction of psychological properties and conditions, mental processes, various types of human activity in normal and pathological conditions, taking into account the characteristics of age stages, developmental crises, risk factors, belonging to gender, ethnic, professional and other social groups
Course Contents
- Introduction
- The special role of the social and emotional spheres in human development
- Social and emotional development in infancy
- Social and emotional development in early childhood
- Social and emotional development in preschool age
- Social and emotional skills (SES) in different subject fields
- Face cognition as an important process of socialization
- SES and Personality
- SELearning programs for school age children
- Measurement in SED
- Ethics in studies about SED
Assessment Elements
- Homework1: Early DevelopmentAs part of work at home, prepare answers to open questions on the topics covered. Next, defend your work at the seminar.
- Test Module 1Control work: set of open questions on the topics of module 1
- Analytical reviewStudents choose one of the socio-emotional skills that are of interest to them, discussed during the course, select literature on this skill (at least 5 scientific sources) and prepare an analytical review of the literature, the purpose of which is its (skill) most reasoned operationalization. An important requirement is that there must be a clear rationale for why this skill is important in the learning process.
- Test Module 2Presentation of a mini-project dedicated to an exercise for the development of the social-emotional skill that the student described in the homework is supposed to be presented. Within the framework of such a project, the student will need to present the skill he has chosen, define it, explain what it is based on, and then tell what target group it is planned to work with and how it is supposed to build work on the development of the discussed skill based on this (exercise format, the conditions for its implementation, how many times such an exercise must be carried out). It is also important to demonstrate the exercise, as well as reasonably evaluate and predict its effectiveness. Both the overall logic of the presentation and the content of each stage of the story will be evaluated.
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 2nd module0.2 * Analytical review + 0.2 * Homework1: Early Development + 0.3 * Test Module 1 + 0.3 * Test Module 2