HSE Business Mobile Phone Numbers to be Available at HSE bpm
The phone numbers assigned to HSE staff for business purposes will be available automatically on their personal profiles at HSE bpm. The numbers will be visible to all HSE staff and will make searching required contact information faster and easier.
The IT Office is working to bring communication between students, lecturers, researchers and administrative staff to a new level. Our goal is to solve problems that arise as soon as possible, taking students’ and staff members’ unparalleled mobility into account.
The IT Office is working to improve the quality of HSE staff members’ contact information in order to ensure their availability both at landline and mobile phone numbers. To achieve this objective as it relates to landline phones, information mailings, information phone calls and other activities will be carried out to encourage staff members to publish their landline phone numbers on their HSE bpm profile.
These changes will also include mobile numbers alongside landline numbers. Going forward, the business phone numbers provided to staff members will automatically be made available in the HSE bpm profile. Each phone user will be informed on the details in advance.
All staff members are kindly requested to pay attention to this initiative and to indicate their landline and mobile phone numbers used for business purposes in their HSE bpm profiles. If you do not have a permanent workplace, you can indicate a landline number at a study office or laboratory as your contact number.
These changes will help to improve the quality of services provided for HSE students and staff, as well as to facilitate the search of contact information. Please also note that the new search engine returns staff photos, names of deputies and assistants, and quick links to personal pages at hse.ru. Search has also become smarter: if you accidentally type a word in the wrong keyboard layout, the entry is corrected automatically.
If you have further questions, please contact the IT Office at bpm_support@hse.ru.