Maria A. Bultseva
- Senior Research Fellow, Research Fellow: Centre for Sociocultural Research
- Senior Lecturer: Faculty of Social Sciences / School of Psychology
- Maria A. Bultseva has been at HSE University since 2016.
- conducting socio-psychological research
- participation in scientific projects of CSCR (scientific research implementation, preparation of necessary documentation and reports)
- teaching at the master's program "Applied Social Psychology"
- managing the Centre's project
Education and Degrees
HSE University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2023–2024, 2021, 2019
Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2019–2020)
Courses (2024/2025)
- Cross-Cultural Communication in Asia and Africa (Master’s programme; Institute of Asian and African Studies field of study Asian and African Studies; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
- Cross-Cultural Communication in Asia and Africa (Master’s programme; Institute of Asian and African Studies field of study Asian and African Studies; 2 year, 1 module)Rus
- Cross-Cultural Communication in Asia and Africa (Mago-Lego; 1 module)Rus
- Cultural and Creative Industries (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Social and Cross-cultural Psychology" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 2-4 module)Rus
- Seminar of the instructor "Cross-cultural and social psychology" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 2 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Seminar of the instructor "Cross-cultural and social psychology" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Cross-cultural Psychology (Mago-Lego; 2, 3 module)Rus
- Cross-cultural Psychology (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology, field of study Psychology; 1 year, 2, 3 module)Rus
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 2 year, 1-3 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Social and Cross-cultural Psychology" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 2-4 module)Rus
- Seminar of the instructor "Cross-cultural and social psychology" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Cross-cultural Psychology (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology, field of study Psychology; 1 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Cross-cultural Psychology (Mago-Lego; 2, 3 module)Eng
- Lie to me: the psychology of deceit (Optional course (university); 4 module)Rus
- Mentor's Seminar (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Social and Cross-cultural Psychology" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 2-4 module)Eng
Courses (2021/2022)
- Cross-cultural Psychology (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Social and Cross-cultural Psychology" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
Courses (2020/2021)
- Cross-cultural Psychology (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-3 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Social and Cross-cultural Psychology" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- 2023
Asian Social Psychology in the Face of Global Challenges: Achievements and Opportunities.. Presentation: Role of Intercultural Learning for Creativity of Host Students
- 2022
XXIII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). (Москва). Presentation: Взаимосвязь межгрупповых идеологий и конкурентных/ кооперативных установок с креативностью российских студентов
IX International Conference "Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations" (Москва). Presentation: Роль социальных идентичностей во взаимосвязи мультикультурной идеологии и проницаемости социальных границ для русских в Молдове и Казахстане
- 2021
XXII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Study of the migrant integration policy (MIPEX) in Russia
VIII Международная научная конференция 'Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations' (Москва). Presentation: Роль креативной гибкости во взаимосвязи страхов перед COVID-19 и психологическим здоровьем
- 2020
Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations (Москва). Presentation: Perception of cultural differences and intercultural competence among Russian students with different levels of creativity
MIC Conference 2020 (Болонья (конференция проходила в онлайн-формате)). Presentation: Intercultural contacts and intercultural competence as factors of russian students' creativity
International Research Conference "Acculturation and Intercultural Relations: Post-Soviet Experience" (Москва). Presentation: Individual Values as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Different Types of Helping Behavior
- 2019
XI Санкт-Петербургские социологические чтения «Междисциплинарный подход в исследовании современных этнических проблем» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Взаимосвязь аккультурационных установок с креативностью российских студентов в условиях интернационализации высшего образования
The Migration Conference 2019 (Бари). Presentation: The Role of Intercultural Competence in the Relationship of Home Country Intercultural Experience and Creativity among Russian Students
VI International Conference «Culture in Society, between Groups and across Generations» (Москва). Presentation: "Little M" Experience in the Home Country University, Cultural Competence and Creativity of Russian Students
- 2018
Психология творчества и одаренности (Москва). Presentation: Взаимосвязь культурной компетентности и креативности в монокультурных и поликультурных студенческих группах
V International Research Conference “Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations” (Moscow). Presentation: Relationship of intercultural experience and intercultural competence with creativity of Russian students from culturally homogeneous and culturally heterogeneous study groups
- 2017
4th International Research Conference. Culture in society, between groups and across generations. International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research (HSE). (Москва). Presentation: Value-Motivational Basis Of Creativity In Micro-Domains: Prose And Poetry Writing
Международная научная конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносов-2017» (Москва). Presentation: Взаимосвязь мотивации и креативности в разных возрастных группах в процессе литературного творчества
International Conference on Education at ADA University
An international conference on education was held on the basis of ADA University, Azerbaijan, Baku on July 1-2.
All-Russian Scientific Conference "Positive Experience of Regulating Ethno-Social and Ethno-Cultural Processes in the Regions of the Russian Federation
CSCR members participated in the All-Russian scientific conference "Positive experience of regulating ethno-social and ethno-cultural processes in the regions of the Russian Federation" in Kazan on June 26-29.
Competition "Aerobatics"
April 3-4, 2024 The commission of the "Aerobatics" competition heard the best research projects of high school students vying for winning places.
A team from the Centre for Sociocultural Research won an RNF grant on the topic "Topical issues of digitalisation in Russia: socio-psychological barriers and ways to overcome them"
The project leader is A.N. Tatarko, Director of the Centre for Sociocultural Research, Doctor of Psychological Sciences. The winning project is complex and deals with the most important, from the psychological point of view, problems related to digitalisation in Russia. In recent years, digitalisation of various spheres of Russian life has been progressing at a tremendous pace. The most intensively digitalised areas are: education, public services, the financial sphere of society, and the political sphere of society. In this regard, we have proposed a project that examines the socio-psychological problems of digitalisation in the most important spheres of Russian society in order to find solutions.
X International Scientific Conference "Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations".
On November 8, 2023, the X International Scientific Conference "Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations" was held, annually organized by the Center for Sociocultural Research at HSE University. The event also featured a roundtable discussion on "What is happening to the identity of Russians amidst the special military operation?"
Center for sociocultural research members published a chapter in the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences collection
Center for sociocultural research members published a chapter in the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences collection on scientific approaches in modern Russian psychology
Face Concerns in Intra- and Intercultural Business Communication
In the Journal of Intercultural Communication Research published a new article by CSCR staff N.M. Lebedeva, M.A. Bultseva, and E.D. Vasilyeva "Face Concerns in Intra- and Intercultural Business Communication.
Special issue "Socio-Psychological Consequences of Accelerated Digitalization in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic," prepared by the staff of the CSCR, was released
The first issue of 2023 included a special issue of "Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics" dedicated to the consequences of digitalization while COVID-19. Articles by CSCR staff N.Tatarko, M.Efremova, D.Dubrov, M.Bultseva, E.Bushina, A.Mironova, G.Rodionov, E.Maklasova, Z.Lepshokova, V.Galyapina based on the results of research conducted within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation project "The Impact of Digitalization on the Social Capital and Values of Russian Society" were published in this issue.
The project was supported by Vladimir Potanin's Charitable Foundation
The project of our colleagues Maria Bultseva and Ekaterina Vasilyeva was supported by Vladimir Potanin's Charitable Foundation.
Winter School 2023
The Applied Social Psychology master's program day was held as part of the Winter School for Psychology on February 13, 2023.
Creativity in intercultural communication: originality or relevance?
On March 3 Maria Bultseva (PhD, Research Fellow, Center for Sociocultural Research, Lecturer, Department of Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Creativity in intercultural communication: originality or relevance?".
New article by Center staff in International Journal of Intercultural Relations
On April 23 the article "The role of intercultural competence, in the relationship between intercultural experiences and creativity among students" by Maria Bultseva and Nadezhda Lebedeva is available online.
Associated Event of the XXI April conference: VII International Research Conference "Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations"
Due to worldwide spread of the COVID-19, the Associated Event of the XXI April conference: VII International Scientific Conference “Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations” was held on April, 23-24 in an online form on the Microsoft Teams.
IX Summer School "Design of Cross-Cultural Study"
27 - 30 June 2019 near Moscow there was the IX Summer School "Design of Cross-Cultural Study", organized by the International laboratory for socio-cultural research, Expert Institute, Higher School of Economics. The teachers of the school were the foreign researchers: Michael Bender (PhD, Assistant Professor, Tilburg University), Byron Adams (PhD, Assistant Professor, Tilburg University), and Ella Daniel (PhD, Assistant Professor, Tel Aviv University).
Participation in The Migration Conference 2019 Bari
From June 18 to June 20, the staff of the ILSCR took part in the 7th international conference of The Migration Conference 2019, the leading event of migration researchers organized this year at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Bari, Italy).
VI International Research Conference "Culture in society, between groups and across generations"
April 5-6 the VI International Research Conference "Culture in society, between groups and across generations", organized by the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research at the Expert Institute of the Higher School of Economics took place in Moscow.
The relationships of intercultural competence, acculturation attitudes, and the creativity of Russian students
On December 18 Bultseva M. (trainee researcher, postgraduate student of the National Research Institute of Higher School of Economics) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "The relationships of intercultural competence, acculturation attitudes, and the creativity of Russian students".
V International Research Conference "Culture in society, between groups and across generations"
April 12-13 the V International Research Conference "Culture in society, between groups and across generations", organized by the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research at the Expert Institute of the Higher School of Economics took place in Moscow.
IV International Research Conference "Culture in society, between groups and across generations"
April 18-20 the IV International Research Conference "Culture in society, between groups and across generations", organized by the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research at the Expert Institute of the Higher School of Economics took place in Moscow.
The role of individual values and motivation in literary creativity of poets and prose writers
On November 17, Maria Bulceva (MSc in Psychology at HSE and TiU), took part in the "Culture Matters" research seminar with the report on "The role of individual values and motivation in literary creativity of poets and prose writers".