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Indicators of Innovation in the Russian Federation: 2023

This data book contains the most recent statistical data characterising innovation processes in the economy of the Russian Federation. The methodology for the main indicators is based on the latest recommendations of international organisations in statistical measurement of innovations (Oslo Manual, 4th edition) and Community Innovation Surveys in the EU countries.

The data book provides statistical data reflecting the innovative activity of Russian enterprises, sales of product and business process innovations, input and output of innovative activities, including the degree of novelty and sales markets, sales of innovative goods and services on users’ orders. The publication also includes indicators reflecting the intensity of cooperation ties with external and internal partners, features and forms of open innovations, and assessments of factors hampering innovation. Separate chapters of the data book are devoted to the innovation activity in Russian regions, environmental innovation, and international comparisons covering a wide range of indicators.

The information is broken down by types of economic activity, taking into account the level of technological efficiency of industries.

The data book includes information of the Federal State Statistics Service, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), European Commission, Eurostat, national statistical agencies of foreign countries, as well as methodological and analytical studies of the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge. analytical studies of the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.


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