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Information Society Outlook


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Country abbreviations


1. Information Society Indices

1.1. Main Information Society Indices

2. ICT Infrastructure

2.1. Telecomunication infrastructure in Russia
2.2. Telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in Russia
2.3. Telephone lines and mobile cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants by country: 2010
2.4. Average household communication tariffs in Russia
2.5. Household communication tariffs indices in Russia
2.6. Monthly subscription for residential telephone service by country: 2010

3. ICT Sector

3.1. Main indicators of the ICT sector in Russia
3.2. Dynamics of gross value added and fixed capital investment in the ICT sector in Russia
3.3. Employment in the ICT sector by economic activity in Russia
3.4. Structure of employment in the ICT sector by economic activity in Russia
3.5. Share of the ICT sector in the business enterprise sector employment by country: 2008
3.6. Gross value added in the ICT sector enterprises in Russia
3.7. Structure of gross value added in the ICT sector enterprises by economic activity in Russia
3.8. Share of the ICT sector in the business enterprise sector gross value added by country: 2008
3.9. Fixed capital investment in the ICT sector enterprises by economic activity in Russia
3.10. Structure of fixed capital investment in the ICT sector enterprises by economic activity in Russia
3.11. Share of the ICT sector in the business enterprise sector fixed capital investment by country: 2006

4. International Trade in ICT Goods and Services

4.1. Exports and imports of ICT goods in Russia
4.2. Exports as a percentage of imports of ICT goods in Russia
4.3. Russian exports and imports of ICT goods by country: 2010
4.4. Exports and imports of ICT goods by country: 2008
4.5. Exports and imports of ICT services in Russia
4.6. Exports as a percentage of imports of ICT services in Russia
4.7. Exports and imports of computer and information services by country: 2008
4.8. Exports and imports of telecommunication services by country: 2008

5. ICT Usage by Households and Individuals

5.1. Households with ICT in Russia
5.2. Households with the Internet access by number of children and income level in Russia: 2010
5.3. Households with personal computers and the Internet access by country: 2010
5.4. Individuals using the Internet by frequency of use in Russia
5.5. Individuals having used the Internet in the last 3 months by place of use in Russia
5.6. Frequency of the Internet usage by individuals by country: 2010
5.7. Computer skills in Russia
5.8. Level of computer skills in Russia
5.9. Level of computer skills by country: 2009
5.10. Internet skills in Russia
5.11. Level of Internet skills in Russia
5.12. Level of Internet skills by country: 2010
5.13. Internet activities in Russia: 2010
5.14. Individuals using the Internet for social communications by country: 2010
5.15. E-commerce in Russia: 2010
5.16. Individuals using the Internet for selling goods or services by country: 2010
5.17. Individuals using the Internet for ordering goods or services by country: 2010
5.18. Individuals using the Internet banking by country: 2010

6. ICT Usage in Enterprises

6.1. Enterprises using the Internet in Russia
6.2. Enterprises using the Internet by size of employment in Russia
6.3. Enterprises with the Intranet and Extranet in Russia: 2010
6.4. Enterprises using the Internet by country: 2010
6.5. Enterprises with a broadband access by economic activity in Russia: 2010
6.6. Types of the Internet connection used by enterprises in Russia: 2010
6.7. Enterprises with a broadband access by country: 2010
6.8. Enterprises having a website by economic activity in Russia
6.9. Purposes of using website by enterprises: 2010
6.10. Enterprises having a website by country: 2010
6.11. Enterprises using the Internet for the purchase / sale of goods and services in Russia
6.12. Breakdown of enterprises by the share of purchases / sales of goods and services via the Internet in Russia: 2010
6.13. Enterprises using the Internet for the purchase of goods and services by country: 2010
6.14. Enterprises using the Internet for the sale of goods and services by country: 2010

7. ICT Usage in the Public Sector

7.1. Public authorities using ICT in Russia: 2010
7.2. Purposes of using the Internet by public authorities in Russia: 2010
7.3. Enterprises using the Internet for interacting with public authorities in Russia
7.4. Enterprises using the Internet for interacting with public authorities by economic activity in Russia: 2010
7.5. Enterprises using the Internet for returning filled forms to public authorities by country: 2010
7.6. Individuals using the Internet for interacting with public authorities in Russia
7.7. Individuals using the Internet for interacting with public authorities by country: 2010
7.8. Individuals using Internet for downloading official forms from public authorities’ websites by country: 2010
7.9. Individuals using the Internet for sending filled forms to public authorities’ websites by country: 2010

8. ICT Usage in the Social Sphere

8.1. Personal computers per 100 pupils in schools in Russia
8.2. General education institutions using ICT in Russia: 2010
8.3. Personal computers per 100 pupils in schools by country: 2006
8.4. Individuals using the Internet for training and education in Russia
8.5. Individuals using the Internet for training and education by country: 2010
8.6. Individuals using the Internet for seeking information with the purpose of learning by country: 2010
8.7. Individuals using the Internet for doing an online course by country: 2010
8.8. Medical institutions using ICT in Russia
8.9. Purposes of using the Internet by medical institutions in Russia: 2010
8.10. Individuals using the Internet for seeking health-related information by country: 2010

9. Information Society Trends by Regions of the Russian Federation

9.1. Main information society indicators by regions of the Russian Federation

Technical notes


Major HSE publications on Information Society statistics

Telephone lines and mobile cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants by country: 2010

Russian exports and imports of ICT goods by country: 2010

Purposes of using a website by enterprises: 2010

Individuals using Internet for downloading official forms from public authorities’ websites by country: 2010


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