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Education in Figures: 2012

The pocket data book contains main indicators characterizing trends in the development of preschool, general education, lower and secondary vocational education as well as higher and postgraduate professional education in the Russian Federation. It covers also key education indicators for the OECD countries.

The data book includes information of the Federal Service for State Statistics, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as well as results of own methodological and analytical studies of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University – Higher School of Economics.

In some cases, data for 2010 is preliminary.


Publisher's imprint

1. Educational Potential of the Population

1.1. Adult population having attained at least secondary (complete) general and lower vocational education (ISCED 3): 2010
1.2. Adult population having attained higher and postgraduate education (ISCED 5A and 6): 2010
1.3. Enrolment by type of educational institutions
1.4. Vocational education enrolment per 10 000 population
1.5. Participation of the population in lifelong learning: 2010

2. Funding

2.1. Public expenditure on education
2.2. Percentage distribution of public expenditure on education by level of the budget system
2.3. Public expenditure on education by section of the budget expenditure classification
2.4. Public expenditure on education as a percentage of total public expenditure: 2010
2.5. Public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP: 2010
2.6. Public expenditure on education per student by level of education
2.7. Paid services in the education system
2.8. Household expenditure on paid educational services
2.9. Average consumer prices for educational services
2.10. Average monthly salaries in the education sector

3. Educational Institutions

3.1. Preschool education institutions
3.2. Preschool education institutions where the number of children exceeds the number of places
3.3. General education institutions
3.4. Lower and secondary vocational education institutions
3.5. Higher education institutions
3.6. Institutions implementing postgraduate training of highly qualified personnel

4. Enrolment

4.1. Enrolment by level of education: 2010
4.2. Preschool education enrolment
4.3. General education enrolment
4.4. Average class size: 2010
4.5. Lower vocational education enrolment and entrants
4.6. Lower vocational education graduates by occupation for different types of economic activity
4.7. Secondary vocational education enrolment and entrants
4.8. Secondary vocational education graduates by field of study
4.9. Higher education enrolment and entrants
4.10. Higher education graduates by field of study and direction of education
4.11. Percentage distribution of secondary vocational and higher education enrolment by source of funds: 2010/11
4.12. Main indicators of postgraduate and doctoral courses activities
4.13. Foreign students enrolment: secondary vocational, higher and postgraduate education (ISCED 5 and 6), 2010

5. Personnel

5.1. Number of students per one teacher: 2010
5.2. Female proportion in the teaching staff total: 2010
5.3. Educators of preschool education institutions
5.4. Teaching staff of public and municipal general education institutions
5.5. Teaching staff of private general education institutions
5.6. Teaching staff of part-time public and municipal general education institutions
5.7. Teachers and industrial training instructors in lower vocational education institutions
5.8. Teaching staff of public and municipal secondary vocational education institutions
5.9. Teaching staff of private secondary vocational education institutions
5.10. Teaching staff of public and municipal higher education institutions
5.11. Teaching staff of private higher education institutions

6. Fixed Assets

6.1. Fixed assets of the education sector
6.2. Commissioning of educational institutions
6.3. Technical state and amenities of preschool education institutions
6.4. Technical state and amenities of public and municipal general education institutions
6.5. Rigging of educational process in public and municipal general education institutions: 2010/11
6.6. Availability of student hostels in public and municipal secondary vocational and higher education institutions
6.7. Number of personal computers used for teaching per 100 educational institutions students: 2010

7. Public Attitudes toward Education

7.1. Social status of a teacher
7.2. Focusing on teaching
7.3. Public opinion on the Russian education system
7.4. Public opinion on funding of education
7.5. Public opinion on scientific knowledge
7.6. Public opinion on adults' knowledge and learning: 2010
7.7. Self-appraisals of English skills of the population by age group: 2010
7.8. Frequency of English language use by age group: 2010

Technical notes


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