Research & Expertise

Lecture Series Explores Communicative Supertypes, Russian as a Reality-Oriented Language, and Language & Culture

On March 19 and 22, Per Durst-Andersen, professor in the Department of Management, Society and Communication at Copenhagen Business School, gave three lectures at the Higher School of Economics on topics that fall under his current research interests, which focus largely on cognitive linguistics; communicative and linguistic typology; language, culture and identity; semiotics; and the philosophy of science. A well-known expert in cross-cultural pragmatics and specialist in business communication, Professor Durst-Andersen delivered the lectures as part of the ‘Language in the Universe of Culture: Russian Communicative Style’ course.

This Is How We Will Win!

HSE experts have determined that the overconfidence of head football coaches is positively connected with the results of the team. Researchers analysed the behaviour of coaches in the Russian Football Premier League (RFPL). The results of the study have been published in the International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching.

Exploring Eurasian Sovereignty through the Lens of Kazan

On Monday, March 19, Jane Burbank, Professor of History and Russian and Slavic Studies at New York University, delivered a lecture entitled ‘Eurasian Sovereignty: The Case of Kazan’ at the Department of History and the Centre for Historical Research at HSE St. Petersburg.

Online Courses No Less Effective Than Offline

Researchers at the Centre of Sociology at HSE’s Institute of Education conducted an experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of massive open online courses (MOOCs) at three Russian universities. According to their findings, students’ results are independent of course format, that is, whether the course is online or offline.

Studying the Soviet Space Programme Through Music

Music is important to people in many different ways. It provides a way to engage with the world around us, whether through listening, interpersonal activity, performance, or individual introspection. Gabrielle Cornish, a musicologist and PhD candidate at the University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music, has come to HSE on a research stay. She is looking at the role of music in the Soviet Union in the 1960-80s.

Economics of eSports

Economics of eSports
Per capita GDP can make a difference in a country’s performance in competitive computer gaming, according to a study conducted by researchers at HSE Perm. While a substantial amount of research focuses on traditional sports, few studies have so far examined eSports. Two HSE researchers examined a resource providing information on tournaments, winners and prizes – for country-level determinants of performance in competitive computer gaming. 

Yale Professor Discusses Political Theory with HSE Students

On March 15, HSE’s School of Cultural Studies welcomed Professor Ian Shapiro from Yale University to talk on two very hot topics: ‘Power and Domination in Political Theory’ and ‘Human Rights in the Contemporary World and Their Prospects’. The presentations were followed by a round table which gave participants further opportunity to engage with this internationally renowned expert in political science. Professor Shapiro’s latest book, Politics against Domination, is soon to be published for the first time in the Russian language.

HSE Opens New Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience

Vasily Klucharev, professor at the School of Psychology
The new institute is headed by Vasily Klucharev, a professor at the Higher School of Economics, who previously worked as Head of the School of Psychology. Vasily Klucharev told the HSE news team about what the School managed to achieve in four years, what the new institute will do and how attitudes towards psychology and neuroscience are changing.

HSE Lends Its Support to the Very First Conference in ‘New Frontiers in High-Dimensional Probability and Statistics’

On February 23 and 24, the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the first international mini-conference entitled ‘New frontiers in high-dimensional probability and statistics’. The event was attended by Russian and international researchers in the field of statistical methods of analysis of multidimensional data and modern stochastic algorithms. The conference was hosted by HSE, the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the RAS and Skoltech. Organisers included HSE Faculty of Computer Science staff, Vladimir Spokoiny, Alexey Naumov, Denis Belomestny and Quentin Paris.

Consuming More: Why Economic Growth Does Not Necessarily Contribute To Human Happiness

Economic growth in developed countries has a dual effect. On one hand, people's living standards and consumer spending are on the rise, but on the other hand, this does not necessarily make people happy and may in fact erode subjective wellbeing and lead to economic crises. A new study co-authored by Francesco Sarracino, HSE LCSR Senior Associate Researcher, examines the reasons behind this phenomenon.