Tag "international faculty"

‘Cognitive Skills Are not Sufficient to Be Successful in Labour Market’

This September, HSE – St. Petersburg hosted the 3rd IZA/HSE University Workshop on Skills and Preferences and Labor Market Outcomes in Post-Transition and Emerging Economies. HSE News Service spoke with Professor Lehmann, co-organizer of the workshop, about human capital, the importance of cognitive and noncognitive skills, and the challenges empirical labour economists encounter when studying these issues in post-transition and emerging economies.

‘I’m Looking Forward to My Time Here’

Dr. Sabyasachi Tripathi, from Kolkata, India, is a new research fellow at HSE University. He will be working at the Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.

American SemyonovAward Recipient to Look at Higher Education’s Relation to Civic Engagement in the Russia

Radomir Mitic
Radomir ‘Ray’ Mitic just completed his PhD at New York University and will be joining the Council of Graduate Schools as a postdoctoral fellow this coming fall in Washington, D.C. This summer, he received an HSE SemyonovAward Research Internship to research civic engagement among Russian university students at the Institute of Education at HSE University. Last week, he participated in the International Summer School of Higher Education at HSE – St. Petersburg, and now he is conducting field research in Moscow. HSE News Service spoke with Ray about his research, his impressions of the two Russian cities, and his future plans.

HSE Academic Is Reviving the Spirit of Socrates

HSE Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Aaron James Wendland, recently launched a popular philosophy column in a prominent British Magazine: The New Statesman. In this interview, we ask Aaron about his research interests, his experience at HSE, and the rationale behind his new column on popular philosophy.

Post-Doctoral Fellow Discusses Research on Soviet-Era Citizenship and Language Policy

Dr Anna Whittington is currently a Research Fellow at The International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences through the end of August 2019. She recently spoke with the HSE News Service about her work on changes in Soviet-era language policy, her thoughts on life in Moscow and how the city has changed, and much more.

Aftermath of Armed Conflicts for Civilians: A Human Rights Perspective

Maria Sole Continiello Neri, Research Fellow at the Centre of Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, shared how her academic work is related to current challenges in human rights protection, and how close collaboration with colleagues on teaching helps to build research connections.

Studying Changing Cultural and Socio-economic Contexts on the Post-Soviet Space

Based at the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences of Jacobs University Bremen, Germany, Dr. Klaus Boehnke serves as the co-head of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research at HSE. He recently delivered a talk entitled ‘Adolescent Annihilation Fears and Lifetime Happiness: Insights from a Long-Term Longitudinal Study’. In an interview with HSE News Service, Dr. Klaus Boehnke described his professional activity at HSE and commented on HSE’s international research projects. 

Recent Seminar Addresses Geoeconomics and the Restructuring of Global Value Chains

In October, the International Laboratory on World Order Studies and the New Regionalism hosted a research seminar in which Dr. Glenn Diesen, Professor in the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at HSE, presented a recent paper entitled ‘Geoeconomics in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Restructuring of Global Value Chains.’ The discussion centred on how technology has become increasingly important for competitiveness in global value chains. This subsequently incentivizes government support for technological development as the main tool for Great Power rivalry, which can be seen in the cooperation between Western governments and corporations over the past several decades to develop technological leadership with high-value activities and concurrently engineer hierarchically-structured global value chains.

Recent Lecture Highlights Significant Research on Values Undertaken at School of Psychology

Values have a great influence in our life. They play a constant role in economics, politics and societies or in disciplines like philosophy, psychology, religion, and sociology. They are fundamental in the construction of a good life for every individual, for achieving quality of life, and for finding meaning.

Researcher Seeks to Understand Economics of Clusters

Kristian Behrens serves as Leading Research Fellow at the HSE Centre for Market Studies and Spatial Economics (CMSSE) and Academic Supervisor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Basic Research at HSE St. Petersburg. Professor Behrens focuses primarily on regional and urban economics, new economic geography, international and interregional trade, multiregional spatial and urban systems, and monopolistic competition. He recently spoke with the HSE New Service about the work currently being undertaken by CMSSE, his broader research interests, and his impressions of working in St. Petersburg.