Tag "master's programmes "

‘HSE Gave Me a Chance to Meet New People and Explore a New Part of the World’

Joseph MacInnes has been Assistant Professor at HSE School of Psychology since 2013. He teaches both undergraduate and graduate students of HSE Faculty of Social Sciences. In February he conducted an extended workshop on eyetracking for students of Master’s programme Cognitive Sciences and Technologies: from Neuron to Cognition. Professor MacInnes has talked to HSE News Service about his work at HSE, the nature of his research and shared his recommendations for international students on better adapting to Russian culture.

Master's Degree Increases the Starting Salary by 30%

Students who choose to pursue a master's or postgraduate degree are at a distinct advantage over those who stop after receiving a bachelor's degree, and can expect higher starting salaries and a wider career choice. Some students, particularly those studying the humanities, medicine, and natural sciences, are more likely to pursue further studies beyond the undergraduate programme, observes Yana Roschina, senior research fellow at the HSE's Laboratory of Economics and Social Research, in her report 'Factors Influencing Russian Students' Educational and Employment Plans'.

Young Indians Encouraged to Apply for Courses at the HSE

The ‘Russian Education 2014’ exhibition in New Delhi invites young Indians to study at the HSE and other Russian universities.

The Rise of the Prosumer

On December 11th, 2009, the latest in our regular series of video conferences took place at the HSE Department of General Sociology as part of the Master’s programme in ‘Sociology of the Public Sphere and Social Communications’. George Ritzer, a prominent sociologist, was the speaker. You can watch a video of the event here .