
A post-graduate student of the laboratory Alexey Nikolayev was awarded a special scholarship of NRU HSE

Seminar "Alcohol consumption in Russia, 1965-2015"

The third seminar ‘Modern demography’ of the International laboratory for population and health took place on the 25th of May. Alexander V. Nemtsov, MD, the head of the department of Moscow research institute of psychiatry of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, presented a paper on alcohol consumption in Russia in 1965-2015.

A Future with Robots: Do We Really Need It?

According to a popular belief, the Russians are interested in science, believe it to be beneficial to the society, and tend to embrace all the latest scientific achievements. But is it really so? Yury Voynilov, an expert at the HSE ISSEK, revealed the common myths about the Russians’ attitude towards science and cutting-edge technologies at the lecture delivered at the ZIL Cultural Centre.

ICSID-CSDSI Research Seminar

HSE International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) and NES Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions held another session of their joint Research Seminar on Diversity and Development on May 16, 2017.

Innovations go East!

Russia proposes stepping up international cooperation to support innovative clusters, fast-growing high-tech companies, and technology commercialisation in the APEC. The Russian delegation presented relevant initiatives on innovation-based development in the Asia-Pacific region (designed with the participation of HSE expert) at the 10th meeting of the APEC Policy Partnership on Science, Technology, and Innovation (May 11-13, 2017, Hanoi, Vietnam). The proposals were accepted, and their implementation will start in the autumn of 2017.

Laboratory ISSA seminar: Liubov Tupikina and Tristan Miller gave a talk

Liubov Tupikina gave a talk on "Flow-networks: graph theoretical approach to study flow systems"
Tristan Miller gave a talk on "Natural language processing with UIMA and DKPro"

Participants of the Young Defectologist School has known about the Lab's Russian Aphasia Test

The Young Defectologist School was held on 11th May in the Kazan Federal University

“We’ve Already Taken 3 Tons of Paper for Recycling and Reduced Total Waste in Landfills”

“We’ve Already Taken 3 Tons of Paper for Recycling and Reduced Total Waste in Landfills”
Katerina Shipilova graduates from the HSE Master’s programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” this year. And she already has her own business — a waste paper collection company called MK Service. In the following interview, Katerina speaks about how Master’s studies motivated her to start her own business, and about the specifics of the recycling industry.

How to Manage Complexity?

The knowledge acquired at the English-language Master's programme of the Higher School of Economics “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” allows to launch new value chains, create knowledge-intensive businesses, and open new markets, in general, the power of science changes reality. During the Open-Door Day, the prospective students discovered what is needed to be considered for this programme and to realise the maximum potential of the programme.

The anniversary of Vladimir M. Shkolnikov

We are happy to congratulate Vladimir M. Shkolnikov with his anniversary! We are pleased to wish him many happy years of healthy life, alongside with the highest index of happiness and new scientific discoveries.