
VTB Starts Funding Comparative Social Research at HSE

Ronald Inglehart, Academic Supervisor of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research
This year VTB is launching the Endowment for Comparative Social Research at HSE. The endowment will make it possible to invest 10-20 million roubles in research each year. The exact amount will depend on trust management of the endowment assets, implemented by VTB Capital Investment Management.

Figure of the day: 20,4%

Figure of the day: 20,4%
Of Russians aged between 25-64 are engaged in self-education, mainly by reading books and magazines relevant to their profession (10%), via the internet (4,8%), and learning from colleagues at work (3,9%). These figures were obtained through a representative survey conducted by the HSE ISSEK (the sample comprised 1,156 people aged 25—64), and published in the new statistical yearbook “Indicators of Education 2017”.

VII Summer School "From Proposal to Submission: Design of Cross-Cultural Study"

From 11 to 14 June 2017, VI Summer School "From Proposal to Submission: Design of Cross-Cultural Study" was held outside Moscow, organized by the International Research and Teaching Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research of the Expert Institute at HSE. The headline teachers at the School were the leading researchers known across the world: Fons van de Vijver (PhD, Professor, Tilburg University), Klaus Boehnke (PhD, deputy head ILSCR HSE, Professor, Jacobs University, Bremen), and Ulrich Kühnen (PhD, Professor, Jacobs University, Bremen).

6th ICSID Conference and EACES-HSE Workshop

6th ICSID Conference and EACES-HSE Workshop
6th Annual Conference of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) “Political Economy of Development: Exiting the Middle Income Trap” was held at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow on June 13-14, 2017.

Lectures on "Networks: A descriptive outline & a bit of theory" and "Networks: Some recent research" by Professor Valenciano were held.

DeCAn lab organized a visit of Professor Federico Valenciano from Departamento de Economía Aplicada IV Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao, Spain) to our university. During the visit Professor Valenciano gavi a course of lectures on network analysis.

International conference "Statistics meets Stochastics 2"

International laboratory of stochastic analysis and its applications organizes the international conference "Statistic meets Stochastics2" with the participation of foreign leading researchers on 09-10 June 2017. 

Felix, Happy Birthday!

Felix, Happy Birthday!
Laboratory is happy to wish Felix J. Lopez Iturriaga a happy birhday!

Russia’s Innovation Powerhouses

The HSE ISSEK released its fifth Russian Regional Innovation Ranking at a press conference hosted by TASS. Almost half Russia’s regions are relatively stable in terms of innovative development: their positions in the ranking have not changed significantly. The Republic of Tatarstan, followed by Moscow and St. Petersburg, tops the Ranking.

Russia’s Innovation Powerhouses

The HSE ISSEK released its fifth Russian Regional Innovation Ranking at a press conference hosted by TASS. Almost half Russia’s regions are relatively stable in terms of innovative development: their positions in the ranking have not changed significantly. The Republic of Tatarstan, followed by Moscow and St. Petersburg, tops the Ranking.

Book Talk with Professor Timothy Frye

ICSID Academic supervisor and leading research fellow Timothy Frye introduced his new book “Property Rights and Property Wrongs: How Power, Institutions, and Norms Shape Economic Conflict in Russia”  in Marriott Grand Hotel (Moscow) on June 15, 2017.