
Why International Students Choose the Study at Higher School of Economics?

Junior Research Fellow at the HSE Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, Alena Nefedova conducted a study on the reasons for choosing the Higher School of Economics by foreign students. The results were published in the journal Higher Education in Russia and Beyond (HERB).

IIMS and ICSID team members among Best Teachers of HSE 2017

HSE students have chosen the University’s best teachers of 2016/17 academic year. The students voted online via the LMS module ‘Rate your Courses’ from May 29 to June 18, after the obligatory Teaching Quality Assessment. After completing the assessment form, the students were asked to select two best lecturers and workshop supervisors.  Unlike the Teaching Quality Assessment, voting was not obligatory, and the students could leave the form blank.

Higher School of Economics and "Russian Helicopters" agreed on scientific and technological cooperation

Higher School of Economics reached an agreement with the holding company "Russian Helicopters" (part of the state corporation Rostek) on scientific and technological cooperation in the framework of International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS. HSE First Vice Rector Leonid Gokhberg and General Director of "Russian Helicopters" Andrei Boginsky signed the agreement.

International researchers at HSE

Julian G. Waller, Ph.D Candidate at the Department of Political Science at the George Washington University and ICSID Associate Fellow, told us why he studies the Post-Soviet region and how he enjoyed his life in Moscow.

Natalia Soboleva got the Elizabeth H. Nelson Prize!

Natalia Soboleva got the Elizabeth H. Nelson Prize!
LCSR’s research fellow Natalia Soboleva has become a prizewinner of the Elizabeth H. Nelson Prize for the best paper from a society in transition. Laboratory's staff congratulates Natalia on her victory and sincerely wishes her inspiration and success in her endeavours!

The results of our grant competition for the creation of spoken language corpora have been announced

The results of the competition for grants to create spoken language corpora, which was held by the International linguistic convergence laboratory from May 30th to June 25th, have been announced. The scientific committee selected five winners, who will receive funding to create their corpora.

HSE and Seoul National University Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE and Seoul National University Sign Cooperation Agreement
On July 17, 2017, HSE signed a memorandum of understanding on academic and research cooperation with Seoul National University (SNU). It covers joint research, joint projects, student and staff visits, as well as the sharing of academic resources.

HSE and Seoul National University Sign Cooperation Agreement

On July 17, 2017, HSE signed a memorandum of understanding on academic and research cooperation with Seoul National University (SNU). It covers joint research, joint projects, student and staff visits, as well as the sharing of academic resources.

Congratulations to the winner of academician Razuvaev scholarship

Congratulations to Irina Utkina!

Innovations not aimed at making money: how they emerge, and how can be useful to the economy?

Innovations not aimed at making money: how they emerge, and how can be useful to the economy?
Professor Jonathan Linton, head of the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, and Konstantin Fursov, senior researcher at the laboratory, analysed emergence and dissemination of innovations in various economic conditions. Results of their joint study were presented by Konstantin at the XV International Open and User Innovation Conference at the Innsbruck University (Austria)