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Лекция Дубравко Китчитча "Importance of collaborative resources in innovation ecosystem."

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Приглашаем вас посетить лекцию Дубравко Китчитча, директора Bicro BIOCentre Загреб, Хорватия под названием:"Importance of collaborative resources in innovation ecosystem."

Лекция пройдет 30-ого сентября в 14.00 по адресу Волгоградский проспект, 46б аудитория 210.

Если вам нужен пропуск обращайтесь по имэйлу: dlukicheva@hse.ru


Importance of collaborative resources in innovation ecosystem.

Dubravko Kičić

Normally, when someone wants to start e.g. an IT company, the resources needed are a business idea, a computer with software tools and a programmer(s) to code the business idea into the product or a service. On the other hand, when someone wants to develop a company in sector of e.g. biotechnology, or neuroscience, or chemistry, the resources needed are much more substantial and normally include a sophisticated lab(s) with multimillion-dollar worth of equipment, highly expert personnel to run the test experiments, dedicated business managers and lots of operating money! For a startup company, this means a “valley of death” from the very beginning. Shared and collaborative resources, like the BIOCentre – Croatia’s first biotechnology incubator – are a good solution to overcome these obstacles for young and innovative companies. Several recent cases from our practice, clearly show that not only infrastructural, sharing creates value, but also new forms of collaborative resources could be formed around the existing ones – like implementing knowledge from neuroscientific research to create effective business education programs. About the lecturer – please use info from http://www.biocentre.hr/en/board-ofdirectors.aspx.