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"EEG-eye movement co-registration in natural viewing behavior" семинар Андрея Николаева, PhD, Laboratory for Perceptual Dynamics, KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Мероприятие завершено

Центр Нейроэкономики и когнитивных исследований рад пригласить вас на семинар "EEG-eye movement co-registration in natural viewing behavior" Андрея Николаева, PhD, Университет Лювена, Лаборатории Перцептивной Динамики.

Investigation of perceptual and cognitive processes in naturalistic conditions becomes a popular alternative to the traditional stimulus-response paradigm. In visual neuroscience, it became possible with simultaneous recording and analysis of EEG and eye movement. In a series of co-registration studies we examined brain processes associated with unrestricted visual exploration of artificial displays and natural scenes. In my talk, first I will discuss the methodological challenges of EEG-eye movement coregistration. Particularly I will focus on the problem of overlapping effects of sequential eye movements on EEG and will offer its solution. Next, I will give an overview of our research on the whole-brain dynamical properties of the EEG lambda activity, as well as the functional connectivity networks arising in the postsaccadic (lambda) interval. Finally, I will describe our recent study of refixations. Refixations, i.e., revisits of recently visited locations, are quite frequent in natural viewing behavior but their neural mechanism in humans had never been studied before. We found that refixations differ from ordinary eye movements in oculomotor planning. By contrast, after the eyes landed on the revisited location, the acquisition of visual information proceeded indistinguishably from ordinary fixations. My talk targets psychologists and visual neuroscientists who are interested in neurophysiological correlates of perceptual and cognitive processes in naturalistic conditions and who wish to extend their methodological arsenal in this field.

Место проведения: Кривоколенный дом 3, подъезд 2, 109
Дата: 20.12
Время: 14.00

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