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Обычная версия сайта
Бакалавриат 2020/2021

Анализ дискурса

Направление: 45.03.02. Лингвистика
Когда читается: 4-й курс, 1-3 модуль
Формат изучения: без онлайн-курса
Преподаватели: Листопадова Мария Владимировна, Патрикеева Ирина Сергеевна, Себрюк Анна Набиевна
Язык: английский
Кредиты: 6
Контактные часы: 50

Course Syllabus


This course provides an introduction to discourse analysis, the study of language in use. It offers an overview of some of the major approaches to studying oral and written texts. Students will have the opportunity to try out different methods for the analysis of discourse using different theoretical perspectives and methodologies. We will examine and practice various analytic perspectives, including conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis, narrative, pragmatics/speech act theory, sociocultural theory, and interactional sociolinguistics. We will also work with theoretical and empirical literature on discourse analysis through required readings (and through preparing and leading a presentation based on the chosen literature). Finally, we will develop and propose projects using discourse analytic methods which will, in its turn, contribute to the theses and\or suit the academic interests of students.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • to acquaint students with approaches to and research in discourse analysis
  • to familiarize students with modern and classic academic literature on discourse analysis
  • to develop skills in analyzing both spoken and written discourse
  • to provide students opportunities to apply discourse analytic methods in their own research
  • to acquaint students with basic theoretical information and modern development in the field of discourse analysis and its features
  • to develop basic skills for the implementation of discourse-analytical procedures on texts of different genres
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Awareness of ways in which texts are organized
  • Awareness of major approaches to the analysis of discourse
  • Awareness of mechanisms of organisation and interpretation of discourse
  • Ability to analyze texts using a range of approaches
  • Ability to collect data relevant to the research purpose and questions
  • Ability to acquire knowledge of functioning linguistic units in discourse
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction & Course Overview. What is Discourse Analysis? A brief historical overview. Language in and out of context. Spoken vs written language.
  • Discourse: meaning, function and context. Discourse versus text.
  • Discourse data. Discourse transcription. Transcription conventions.
  • The basic categories of discourse analysis. Discourse Structure. Discourse Markers: Language, Meaning, and Context. Coherence relations. The role of context in interpretation of discourse. Speech acts.
  • Discourse Types. Written language and verbal interaction. Everyday and literary language. Digital discourse. Multimodality.
  • Basic concepts of speech act theory.
  • Narrative. Conversation Analysis
  • Discourse, register & Genre. Monologic vs. Dialogic Discourse. The notion of genre (specific types of texts that are produced and reproduced in particular discourse communities). Relationships between genres. Written and spoken languages. Applications of genre analysis.
  • The concept of face and theories of politeness.
  • Corpus linguistics, pragmatics and discourse.
  • Discourse and culture: The Sapir Whorf Hypothesis. Intercultural communication.
  • Discourse: Language, Context, and Interaction. Discourse and Society. Negotiating Social Relationships. Language , ideology and power.
  • Interactional sociolinguistics.
  • Critical Discourse Analysis. Discourse Ideologies and Racism.
  • Sociological aspect of discourse (gender, age, ethnicity).
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Participation
  • non-blocking Individual Project
    Option 1:: Apply CA ( Conversation analysis) Transcription Conventions For this assignment, students will record 2 -5 minutes of natural spoken discourse and transcribe approximately 2-5 minutes of it. Option 2: Analysis of an “artifact". For this assignment, students will choose an artifact, which can be a piece of film, an advert, a label, clothing, a short piece of nonfiction writing and analyze it following the instructions.
  • non-blocking Group Project
    Students will work in groups of 3 to 5 students to prepare a discourse analysis paper (following the guidelines). Discourse Analysis Paper (800-1000 words) that links the student’s research interests with the topics and issues raised in class.
  • non-blocking Group Project Presentation
    Students will prepare a 5-7-minute presentation introducing their group project (discourse analysis paper).
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (3 module)
    0.25 * Group Project + 0.3 * Group Project Presentation + 0.25 * Individual Project + 0.2 * Participation


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Discourse analysis as theory and method, Jorgensen, M., 2014
  • The discourse reader, , 2002
  • The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis, , 2014

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Discourse analysis : a resource book for students, Jones, R. H., 2012
  • Discourse analysis : an introduction, Paltridge, B., 2013
  • Methods of text and discourse analysis, Titscher, S., 2007