
Маркетинг в индустрии моды
Курс по выбору (Маркетинг и рыночная аналитика)
38.03.02. Менеджмент
Кто читает:
Департамент маркетинга
Где читается:
Высшая школа бизнеса
Когда читается:
4-й курс, 3 модуль
Формат изучения:
с онлайн-курсом
Охват аудитории:
для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Бутковская Вера Петровна
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
Adopting a case-study approach, the course presents strategic marketing management in luxury and fashion companies as a balancing act: tradition vs. innovation, expertise vs. experimentation, casual vs. stylish, local vs. international; in order to increase the brand value by nurturing the brand heritage and at the same time staying fresh, relevant, and contemporary in the global digital marketplace.
Learning Objectives
- Give an overview of fashion and luxury companies marketing.
- Introduce an understanding of fashion brands, products, price, retail, and communication strategies
- Provide insights about the international fashion industry.
- Review up-to-date practices of the fashion and luxury brands digital communications strategies.
- Underline the segmentation, targeting and positioning criteria in the fashion and luxury industry.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Understanding of fashion brands, products, price, retail, and communication strategies
- Understanding of the segmentation, targeting and positioning criteria in the fashion and luxury industry.
- Understanding the frameworks of the international market analysis of the fashion industry.
- Understanding the specifics of the fashion and luxury market.
- Understanding the up-to-date practices of the fashion and luxury brands digital communications strategies.
Course Contents
- International Marketing Tactics in fashion
- International Marketing Strategy in fashion.
- Digital communication strategy in the fashion industry.
- Provide insights about the international fashion industry.
- Give an overview of fashion and luxury companies marketing.
Assessment Elements
- Final ExamBased on theoretical seminars and practical sessions. Students will have a list of topics for the exam preparation. Students receive "excellent" grades answering fulling the Exam questions. To get 9-10 students should provide extra knowledge in the open questions, for example, some cases outside of the main course materials.
- Case studiesIndividual assignment, case study text should be read by students before the related sessions.
- Team ProjectBased on rubrics* (project requirements and evaluation rubrics will be announced to students in the class). *The final grade will be announced during the session period. Done in groups, delivered in form of a brief pdf report and oral presentation*. *In case the student cannot present on the day of the presentation he/she should inform the professor min 2 weeks ahead.
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Fashion marketing communications, Lea-Greenwood, G., 2013
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Fashion marketing : theory, principles, and practice, Bickle, M. C., 2011
- Mastering fashion marketing, Jackson, T., 2009
- The fashion designer survival guide : start and run your own fashion business, Gehlhar, M., 2021
- Как создать модный бренд : все нюансы от игроков fashion-индустрии, Мидоус, Т., 2021