Second Module: What's Changing at HSE University
How studies will be arranged from October 25 to December 30.
Teaching Quality Assessment 2021-2022. Module 1.
Till October 17, 2021 HSE students will have an opportunity to assess the quality of their teachers’ work.

Student Research Paper Competition 2021 Kicks Off at HSE University
The annual HSE Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC) helps young researchers try their hand in a real academic competition, where leading experts and professionals from HSE University assess their research papers. This year, participation will be open from September 1 to October 15.

HSE University Classes to Be Held On Site for All Students
Classes in the new academic year will take place on site for students of all HSE University campuses. Existing COVID safety precautions will remain in effect.
First-year Students Will Be Able to Get COVID Shots at HSE University
New regulations for the upcoming academic year

HSE University Tops Forbes Best Russian Universities Ranking Second Year Running
HSE has strengthened its top position and widened its lead over Moscow State University, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and other universities in the Forbes Best Russian Universities Ranking. The main contributors to this advancement, according to Forbes, were the improvement in the average Russian Unified State Exam (USE) score of accepted students, a better faculty-student ratio, and younger staff. This year, HSE University also leads the employer survey.

Starting June 7, Students Can Choose Elective Courses for Next Year
This year students can do it in the updated ‘Elective courses’ module