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Program’s Student Leads Committee Discussions on Latin American Integration at Model United Nations Conference

Mateo Rojas Samper, a master's student of Politics, Economics, and Philosophy from the Higher School of Economics, made a mark at the Model United Nations of MGIMO Vitaly Churkin. He participated in the event as the Vice President of the ECLAC committee, where he guided the delegates to write their resolution on the Integration of Latin America in International Trade.

Program’s Student Leads Committee Discussions on Latin American Integration at Model United Nations Conference

Churkin Moscow International Model United Nations C-MIMUN

Mateo, can you tell us what is Model United Nations and how does this conference work?

The Model UN is held at MGIMO each year and involves over 700 students from Russian and international universities. They emulate the proceedings of the General Assembly, the Security Council, and of the principal UN Committees. The working language of the UN Model is English Russian, Spanish, Arabic, French and Chinese Many senior UN officials, including the Secretary General, made opening remarks for the MGIMO International Model UN in the past.

Model UN is an exciting role-play in the course of which university and high school students model the work of the United Nations. Its participants – delegates, observers, chairs and experts – act as official representatives of the UN member States and international organizations which come to the conference to debate agenda items. As Model participants, delegates express not their personal point of view but the official position of the country they represent. The purpose of each Committee is to adopt a resolution on the agenda.

Churkin Moscow International Model United Nations C-MIMUN

How did you find out about the MGIMO Model United Nations, and do you have previous experience of participating in a similar conference?

A friend of mine told me about the United Nations model, and I was encouraged to participate. Having been in CELAC models and other United Nations models before, as well as scientific conferences, I have always been attracted to such events where you can listen to the opinions of others and learn new things. From my experience, I can tell you that it is essential for human beings to be social and to exchange ideas. As social creatures, interaction with others is necessary for our mental and emotional well-being. Socializing helps us to develop interpersonal skills, build relationships, and feel a sense of belonging. Moreover, exchanging ideas is crucial for personal and societal growth. Through the exchange of ideas, we gain new perspectives, challenge our own beliefs, and learn from others' experiences. This exchange of ideas can lead to new knowledge and innovations, as well as greater understanding and empathy. In summary, participating in events like the United Nations model can be a great way to socialize, exchange ideas, and grow personally and socially. It can help us develop our interpersonal skills, build relationships, and gain new perspectives that can contribute to our personal and societal growth.

Can you give us a little bit of background information on the committee you were working in?

ECLAC is one of the five regional commissions of the United Nations, dedicated to promoting economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean. As the Vice President of ECLAC, I was responsible for leading discussions on economic policies, trade agreements, and sustainable development goals.

I am honored to have been a part of this incredible event and to have worked with such talented and passionate delegates. I am excited to continue my work in this field and look forward to the next year's model, where I hope to inspire and guide a new generation of leaders.

What would you name as your personal key components, which made this experience successful for you?

I’d say that hard work, dedication, and passion for United Nations and international relations is what stimulates me. I am hoping to continue implementing them in future endeavors in order to continue my success in the field.

Churkin Moscow International Model United Nations C-MIMUN

Could you share some of the issues that were explored in your committee?

When we initially began discussing the advantages of maintaining a united front during international trade discussions, we both concurred that doing so can help us obtain better terms. Presenting a cohesive front in international trade negotiations can have a variety of benefits, including increased bargaining power, better representation of regional interests, and the ability to negotiate more beneficial trade agreements. Countries may show their dedication to regional cooperation and integration by speaking with one voice, which can assist draw in foreign investment and accelerate economic progress. In the model we mentioned how regional integration might encourage social and cultural ties between nations in Latin America, fostering regional peace and stability to create a truly integrated and equitable system, political, economic, and social factors can be addressed in a number of ways, including by advancing democratic institutions, boosting economic cooperation and investment, enhancing infrastructure and transportation links, and encouraging cross-cultural dialogue and understanding.  

Additionally, it is crucial to guarantee that all nations participate equally in decision-making processes and that the advantages of integration are distributed equally among all participants. we also acknowledged the difficulties in establishing regional integration, including the need to address political, economic, and social issues in order to build a system that is both integrated and fair. furthermore, we underlined the significance of ensuring that all nations participate equally in decision-making and that the advantages of integration are distributed equally among all participants.

How did your expertise in international relations contribute to the committee discussions on trade and integration, and what was the outcome of these discussions?

I led the committee discussions and helped the delegates navigate complex issues related to trade and integration. My leadership and guidance were instrumental in the drafting of a comprehensive resolution that addressed the challenges and opportunities of increasing Latin American participation in international trade, although honestly there are many things I have to learn, but I am very happy because every experience makes me grow as a person.

Churkin Moscow International Model United Nations C-MIMUN
And finally, what would be your advice for those, who are thinking of participating in such conferences in the future

Mateo's outstanding performance at the Model United Nations of MGIMO Vitaly Churkin was recognized by the organizers, who commended him for his exceptional skills and dedication to the cause. They also invited him to participate in the next year's model, where he will have the opportunity to share his knowledge and experience with a new set of delegates. We wish him best of luck in his future endeavors and encourage all students to develop their interests!