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VIIth BRICS International School

Irina Kulinenko, 2nd year student of the program “Politics. Economy. Philosophy." took an active part in the VII BRICS International School, which was held from November 13 to 18, 2023.

VIIth BRICS International School

This year, from November 13 to 18, with the support of the Gorchakov Foundation, the Presidential Grants Fund, and the University of MGIMO, the seventh BRICS International School was held in Moscow, which unites young experts and researchers of the socio-humanitarian sphere from the BRICS and BRICS+ countries.

Irina Kulinenko, 2nd year student of the program “Politics. Economy. Philosophy.”, having a direct scientific interest in the organization of BRICS, took part in this event and shared her thoughts and impressions of her participation.

After passing a serious selection, the stages of which were: a motivational letter, video-business card, presentation of her own project and essays, Irina and the rest of the participants became part of a diverse program planned by the organizers, from which she especially noted the opening lecture of Sergey Ryabkov, the Deputy Minister of the Foreign Ministry, Russian Sherpa of BRICS, and his colleagues, Sou-Sherpa Pavel Knyazev, on which the topics of the future BRICS and his potential institutionalization were affected.

In addition to the lecture, Irina also noted a masterclass on writing scientific articles from Suchkova Svetlana, who is a director of the Center for Academic Letter of the Higher School of Economics, and a master class on techniques of effective non-verbal communication. However, most of all she liked the presentations of the projects of her young colleagues.

She notes with inspiration:

She notes with inspiration:

Irina Kulinenko

2nd year student of the program “Politics. Economy. Philosophy”


Irina rightly calls its main goal of participation in school the acquisition of new scientific ties and contacts, which, as she notes, she has succeeded in. In addition to many potential colleagues in scientific and applied work, Irina managed to get acquainted with the activities of the YEA (Youth Energy Agency) BRICS and its director for sustainable development and climatic programs, Vadim Kuznetsov. Additionally, Irina actively attaches new knowledge about BRICS and scientific data received from experts to her own studies.

Irina is very happy about her participation in the 7th BRICS International School, and is pleased with the support that the leadership of the program provides for students participating in such events.

For future participants, Irina recommends...

For future participants, Irina recommends...

Irina Kulinenko

2nd year student of the program “Politics. Economy. Philosophy”


Article written by Assylzhan Sarinov