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Tag "achievements"

Illustration for news: HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science Teams Win ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest

HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science Teams Win ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest

On April 14–19, 2024, two finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) took place in Luxor (Egypt). The teams from HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science became world champions in the 47th ICPC final and received gold medals in the 46th final.

Illustration for news: HSE University’s Joint Master’s Programme with Skoltech Named Best Educational Initiative at Data Fusion Awards 2023

HSE University’s Joint Master’s Programme with Skoltech Named Best Educational Initiative at Data Fusion Awards 2023

VTB, CNews, and Skolkovo have announced the winners of the Data Fusion Awards 2023, a nationwide cross-industry award in the sphere of big data technology. The awards recognise the top projects in the public sector, business, and education. The English-taught Master’s programme Math of Machine Learning, implemented jointly by HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, was named the educational initiative of the year. Second place in this category was awarded to the Graduate School of Business’s Master’s programme Business Analytics and Big Data Systems.

Illustration for news: Three HSE Researchers Receive Ilya Segalovich Award

Three HSE Researchers Receive Ilya Segalovich Award

Three researchers of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science are among the winners of the 2022 Ilya Segalovich Award: Research Professor Dmitry Vetrov, Associate Professor Alexey Naumov and doctoral student Sergey Samsonov. The award, established by Yandex in 2019, is aimed at supporting young researchers and the scientific community in the field of IT in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Illustration for news: HSE University Receives Government Grant to Create AI Research Centre

HSE University Receives Government Grant to Create AI Research Centre

A competition of research centres looking to receive grants through the Artificial Intelligence federal project has concluded, and HSE University is among the winners. Winning centres will focus on developing new AI technologies that expand its application, overcoming existing limitations for solving applied problems and optimizing AI models.

Illustration for news: HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

Four people have received this award for their achievements in the field of Computer Science: two HSE University graduate students, one doctoral student, and Sergei Obiedkov, Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Computer Science.

Illustration for news: Ilya Segalovich Scholarships Awarded on the Fifth Anniversary of HSE’s Faculty of Computer Science

Ilya Segalovich Scholarships Awarded on the Fifth Anniversary of HSE’s Faculty of Computer Science

As part of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science fifth anniversary celebration at Mercury Moscow City Tower, Ilya Segalovich Scholarships were awarded.