New Features in the Scheduling System
One fifth of all disciplines at HSE are taught in English. The classes are taught both by HSE lecturers and visiting international professors. For several years now, the curriculums have been published in Russian and English. Starting this year, exchange students can create their individual timetable with the help of online tool. For full-degree students, the timetable is now also available in English.
HSE technical experts have put a lot of effort into improving the system, and now a renewed friendly service is available for all international users. The scheduling system now has the following new features.
English timetable
As more English-taught programmes are launched, more English-speaking lecturers are invited, and as the international academic mobility programmes are developed, an option to publish (export) the timetable in English has been added to the online scheduling system. The updated timetable is exported and published on the websites of education programmes in Russian and English - if the programme website has an English version. For lecturers there is now an option to publish one’s individual schedule on a personal page. It can be viewed both in Russian and in English.
Language of instruction
When the schedule is published on the programme website, in the LMS HSE system, or in the mobile app, information on the language of instruction (Rus or Eng) is now added to the title of the discipline. This function now works for Russian- and English-taught disciplines. But there are disciplines at HSE that are taught in German, French, Spanish, and other languages. In future, the information on the language will be added for all disciplines.
Updated mobile app
There has been a major update in the mobile app for iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile. The following features have been developed.
- Interface in two languages
The language can be changed in the settings.
- Timetable published in English
There is an option to publish an individual timetable for a student and a lecturer in English. When the language is switched in the interface, the language of the timetable on the mobile device is also changed. Attention: in order to display the individual timetable, indicate your corporate email in the app settings (for lecturers, in the domain; for students, in the domain).
- Geolocation in the app
Disciplines are often taught at departments that are located in buildings other than where most of the classes of the student’s education programme are taught. The lecturers may face the same problem, when they are assigned classrooms in various HSE buildings for timetabling reasons. The mobile app now includes a geolocation service, and any student, lecturer or researcher can easily look for the building where they have a class.
- Vertical scrolling with automatic data loading
Now everything can be done with one click. The timetable is loaded automatically during vertical scrolling. If necessary, the user can download a previous timetable. The user is automatically positioned on the current day in the timetable viewing mode. The mobile app includes a cache with date and time of the last update.
- Integrating classes into your personal calendar
The mobile app allows you to include classes in your personal calendar. To do so, choose a period of planning, export the classes and they will be added to the current tasks.
Please send any comments on the scheduling system and its development to the scheduling support team,