Tag "Arctic Region"

Salt Eats Ice: Researchers Name the Reasons Behind Underwater Permafrost Vulnerability

Salt Eats Ice: Researchers Name the Reasons Behind Underwater Permafrost Vulnerability
A team of researchers has studied ice-containing sediment on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. The researchers proved that the melting of underwater permafrost is caused not only by the warming of sea water, but also by migrations of its salt ions (mostly NaCl). The HSE News Service reports on this and other studies conducted by the HSE Institute of Ecology.

HSE and NArFU Researchers Unveil New Arctic Development Proposals

Russia’s Arctic territories are home to a diverse but highly vulnerable ecosystem and to traditional lifestyles lived by native peoples resident in the region. It is a region that boasts significant natural resources. So how can we expand our exploitation of these resources and develop the Arctic economy without negatively impacting either the region’s delicate ecosystems or the native people’s way of life? The Institute for Regional Research and Urban Planning at HSE and the Arctic Center for Strategic Research at NArFU held a round table to examine these issues. The round table discussion proposed a resolution for distribution to federal state agencies.