
HSE Faculty of Physics Looking for Young Laboratory Heads in Breakthrough Fields

HSE Faculty of Physics Looking for Young Laboratory Heads in Breakthrough Fields
HSE University is pleased to announce an international competition for experimental research laboratories in such breakthrough fields of contemporary physics as Quantum Technologies and Novel Functional Materials. The winners will have a chance to head and develop new research laboratories based out of the HSE Faculty of Physics.

Conference on ‘Topological Methods in Dynamics and Related Topics’ Held in Nizhny Novgorod

Conference on ‘Topological Methods in Dynamics and Related Topics’ Held in Nizhny Novgorod
During the New Year holidays, the first international conference on ‘Topological Methods in Dynamics and Related Topics’ was held at HSE. The event was organised by the Department of Fundamental Mathematics of the Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod).

Procrastination at the Top Level: How Top Managers Use Their Time

Procrastination at the Top Level: How Top Managers Use Their Time
A study by HSE psychologists has proven that top managers use their time more effectively than middle managers. They have lower procrastination levels and focus more on the future.

Cooperation between Science and Industry

The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) analyses the dynamics and rate of industrial companies’ cooperation with R&D organisations.

What Influences a Person’s Psychological Boundaries?

What Influences a Person’s Psychological Boundaries?
Professor Sofya Nartova-Bochaver of the HSE School of Psychology and colleagues from universities in Armenia and China conducted a comparative analysis of the psychological boundaries of individuals living in different countries. The results indicate that age and sex play a greater role in the formation of those boundaries than culture does.

Neural Network Taught to Detect Age and Gender by Video Almost 20% More Accurately

Researchers from the Higher School of Economics have created a technology to help neural networks identify certain people on video, detecting their age and gender more quickly and accurately. The development has already become the basis for offline detection systems in Android mobile apps. The results of the study were published in an article entitled ‘Video-based age and gender recognition in mobile applications’ .

Clearly Defined Roles for Girls: How Kindergartens Serve as Gendergartens

Clearly Defined Roles for Girls: How Kindergartens Serve as Gendergartens
Sociologists at HSE showed that preschool education has its own hidden curriculum: kindergarten teachers transmit social norms to children, including conservative ideas of femininity and masculinity. Girls are expected to have “proper” character and behavior, to be obedient and pretty, take an interest in music and dance, and to like the color pink.

New Issue of HERB Journal

The 18th issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond (HERB) journal is available online. HERB is a quarterly informational journal published by HSE University since 2014 in cooperation with Boston College Center of International Higher Education. The current issue explores the issue of academic inbreeding.

Fewer than Half of the Countries Provide Tuition-free Pre-primary Education

Researchers from the Higher School of Economics and UCLA Fielding School of Public Health’s WORLD Policy Analysis Center have found that 45% of countries, with only 15% of low-income countries, provide tuition-free pre-primary education. The results of the study will be published in the December 2018 issue of International Organisations Research Journal.

HSE St Petersburg and the State Hermitage Museum Sign a Cooperation Agreement

On December 18, Sergey Kadochnikov, Director of HSE University – St Petersburg, and Georgy Vilinbakhov, Deputy General Director of the State Hermitage Museum, signed an agreement on cooperation between the university and the museum in the education and research.