
Sociology of Football: How it Came to Be the Number One Sport

While the the World Cup was taking place, sociologist Oleg Kildyushov discussed when this sport became the focus of scientific interest, how it has influenced society, and why it is difficult to find the right metaphor to describe the Russian national team's play.

Technology Historians from HSE St. Petersburg Take Part in International Network Projects

In July, an international network project involving the Centre for Historical Research Laboratory for Environmental and Technological History was granted the support of two international research funds.Julia Lajus, Head of the Laboratory, told HSE News Service what environmental and technology history is all about, and what role HSE researchers play in the Tensions of Europe international research network.

Only 36.5% of Russian Companies Now Pursuing Intensive Intangible Strategy

Researchers with the HSE International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy have developed an approach towards analysing strategies for employing intangibles. In the study, which was published in the journal Management Decision, they discovered that only 36.5% of Russian companies are pursuing an intensive intellectual capital strategy.

Russia in the World Publication Activity Ranking: Social Sciences

The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge has carried out an analysis of ranking of countries by publication activity in the social sciences.

HSE and JSC Glonass Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE and JSC Glonass Sign Cooperation Agreement
JSC Glonass and the HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE) have signed an agreement to work together in the field of satellite navigation technology in order to create services that foster the socioeconomic development of Russia and its regions.

Thin Films Can Enhance Vorticity in the Ocean

Scientists from the Higher School of Economics and the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences have investigated how vortex flows penetrate the interior of a liquid. The authors of the article have shown that specific (thin liquid and insoluble) films on the surface of water enhance eddy currents. These currents are produced by the interacting surface waves directed at an angle to each other.

Scientists Uncover New Facts Concerning Working Memory in Children

Researchers from the Higher School of Economics conducted a meta-analysis by compiling data across 17 neuroimaging studies on working memory in children.The data obtained shows concordance in frontoparietal regions recognized for their role in working memory as well as regions not typically highlighted as part of the working memory network, such as the insula.

HSE and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Sign Cooperation Agreement

IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor
The HSE Faculty of Physics and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) have reached an agreement on a joint partnership. From the beginning of the next academic year, students from the faculty will be able to carry out internships at the institute’s various research laboratories.

Russian Psychometrics at an International Level

Dmitry Abbakumov is the first researcher from a Russian university to present their work at the Psychometric Society conference, founded in 1935. He told the HSE new service about his study of online learning and why Russia has not played a major role on the international psychometrics scene – until now.

Researchers Use Nanotechnology to Improve the Accuracy of Measuring Devices

Scientists from Higher School of Economics and the Federal Scientific Research Centre ‘Crystallography and Photonics’ have synthesized multi-layered nanowires in order to study their magnetoresistance properties. Improving this effect will allow scientists to increase the accuracy of indicators of various measuring instruments, such as compasses and radiation monitors.