
‘Science Should Help in Bridging Gaps’

International cooperation in science and innovation is not only able to help solve global issues, such as the battle against climate change, hunger and incurable diseases, but also to overcome political disagreement between countries.

Throwing Out Food: Attitudes to Food Waste in Russia

Rational behaviour is not the only thing that keeps Russians from throwing away food; many food-handling practices have been shaped by socio-cultural factors, including the gastronomic trauma suffered in times of famine and scarcity. Valeria Erguneva and Darya Asaturyan have studied some of the cultural attitudes towards food loss and waste in Russia.

Unfit: Why Seniors Don’t Care about Their Health

Unfit: Why Seniors Don’t Care about Their Health
Seniors in Russia are not responsive to public promotion of healthy living. Their behaviours follow eight different patterns, and a healthy lifestyle is far from being the most popular one. Only 17% of elderly people live what can be termed a 'healthy' lifestyle, Elena Selezneva discovered. The results of the study were presented at the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at HSE.

HSE Enters Expert’s Research Productivity Ranking in 10 Subjects

The Higher School of Economics has entered the Expert Analytical Centre’s ranking in 10 subjects. The ranking studies the research productivity of Russian universities. In five subject areas, the university has taken first position in the ranking.

Predictions Only Hold Scientists Back

Igor Kukushkin, Chief Research Fellow at the Institute of Solid State Physics (Russian Academy of Sciences), Professor at the Faculty of Physics at the Higher School of Economics
Together with his colleagues, Igor Kukushkin, Chief Research Fellow at the Institute of Solid State Physics (Russian Academy of Sciences) and Professor at the Faculty of Physics at the Higher School of Economics, has founded two scientific-commercial enterprises. Their products are used in a range of areas, including pharmaceuticals and medicine, as well as to control the quality of various materials and even in the fight against terrorism. Igor Kukushkin spoke to the HSE news service about how to combine science and business.

The Keepers of the Ruble

The Keepers of the Ruble
Post-Soviet life and the economic ups and downs of recent years have changed the attitude of Russians towards saving. Now, it is not the less fortunate who save, but the more intelligent, according to Elena Berdysheva and Regina Romanova. Or, more to the point, it’s the more intelligent women: domestic finances are usually dealt with by females. At HSE’s recent XIX April International Academic Conference, researchers explained how Russians adjusted and optimized family budgets following the crisis of 2014-2017 and how this relates to gender issues.

BRICS Countries Look for Their Place in Biotechnology Market

BRICS Countries Look for Their Place in Biotechnology Market
Over the past 20 years, the BRICS countries' contribution to biotechnology development has increased manyfold, but it may be too early to predict a change of global leaders in this field, according to HSE ISSEK researchers who examined biotechnology patenting in the BRICS countries and published their findings in Trends in Biotechnology.

HSE Student to Present at Association for Computational Linguistics Conference

HSE Student to Present at Association for Computational Linguistics Conference
An article by HSE Faculty of Computer Sciences senior Artyom Gadetsky was accepted for presentation at the Association for Computational Linguistics international conference, the only A* level conference on computational linguistics. According to the CORE system, which ranks large conferences in computer science, the category A* is the highest level for a conference.

Power of Negative Example: What Kind of Family do Teens Want Today?

Power of Negative Example: What Kind of Family do Teens Want Today?
While peers are significant, family remains highly important for adolescents as well, according to HSE researchers. However, many young people do not see their parents as role models.

Mission-oriented STI Policies Stage a Comeback

Wolfgang Polt serves as Director of Policies at the Institute for Economic and Innovation Research Policies, Joanneum Research, in Austria. At a special session of the April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development hosted by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), he gave a report entitled 'Mission-oriented STI Policies for the Future - What Lessons from the Past?' Following the event, he spoke with the HSE News Service about his impressions of this year’s April Conference, the current state of STI policy globally and in Russia, and future projects he plans to undertake through collaboration with colleagues at HSE.