
The First International Forum of Genomic and Biomedical Technologies "From birth to active longevity" was held on December 2-3, 2021

The First International Forum of Genomic and Biomedical Technologies "From birth to active longevity" was held on December 2-3, 2021
On December 2, 2021, the First International Forum of Genomic and Biomedical Technologies "From birth to active longevity" was inaugurated at Surgut State University with the participation of the governor of Yugra Natalia Komarova, as well as the director of the District Department of Education and Youth Policy Alexey Drenin. Its organizers are the government of the district, the Ugra Development Fund and Surgut State University.

Barriers and Prospects for Employment of People with Disabilities in Russia and Abroad

Barriers and Prospects for Employment of People with Disabilities in Russia and Abroad
On December 2, an international online seminar "Barriers and Prospects for Employment of People with Disabilities in Russia and Abroad" was held. The seminar was organized by the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center, the World Bank and the International NRU HSE Laboratory for Social Integration Research with the support of the ROOI "Perspektiva" and the All-Russian Society of People with Disabilities. Within the framework of the seminar, the results of the analysis of the opportunities and barriers to integrating people with disabilities into the Russian labor market were presented.

The role of strategies to preserve "face" in mono- and intercultural business interaction

On December 2 Ekaterina Vasilyeva (Research Assistant, Center for Sociocultural Research, Postgraduate Student, Visiting Lecturer, Department of Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "The role of strategies to preserve "face" in mono- and intercultural business interaction".

Svetlana Malyutina, Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Director of the Center for Language and Brain visited the Color Lab at the Smolensk State University.

Svetlana Malyutina, Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Director of the Center for Language and Brain visited the Color Lab at the Smolensk State University.
On 24-27 November, Svetlana Malyutina, Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Director of the Center for Language and Brain gave lectures and discussed cooperation with the Smolensk State University laboratory.

Congratulations to our colleagues on receiving a grant from the Russian Science Foundation!

Congratulations to our colleagues on receiving a grant from the Russian Science Foundation!
The project 'People with Mental Disabilities in the Employment Process: Strategies, Barriers and Subjective Meanings of Participation' was prepared by Christian Fröhlich (leader), Daria Prisyazhnyuk, Maria Ivanova and Anna Sinelnikova.

The Meanings of Inclusion in Science and Practice

The Meanings of Inclusion in Science and Practice
On December 1, Elena Yarskaya-Smirnova made a presentation “The meanings of Inclusion in Science and Practice” at the interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference “Inclusive Education - an Inclusive Society: Evidence-Based Approaches to the Inclusion of Children with Mental Disabilities in General Education".

7th Annual SVOC Conference

Andrei Yakovlev, The ICSID Director, presented the paper “Why not fair electoral results but performance in the office is more important for re-election of regional governors in Russia?” at the 7th The Role of the State in Varieties of Capitalism Conference (SVOC).

IDLab at the AMEC conference, panel "Contemporary Research in Management"

IDLab at the AMEC conference, panel "Contemporary Research in Management"
IDLab members took part in the AMEC conference

HSE University to Establish Four New International Labs

HSE University to Establish Four New International Labs
Two international laboratories will be created at the HSE University Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, one at the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology, and one at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. The four projects were selected from a total of 17 applications.

Intercultural relations in Crimea: The role of identities and acculturation preferences

On November 25 Ekaterina Kodja (Research Assistant, Center for Sociocultural Research, Postgraduate Student, Visiting Lecturer, Department of Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Intercultural relations in Crimea: The role of identities and acculturation preferences".