
International Cooperation

International Cooperation
Research Assistant Daniel Lebedev has joined the Organazing Committee of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). 

A New Pocket Data Book Has Been Released in the ‘Digital Economy’ Series

A New Pocket Data Book Has Been Released in the ‘Digital Economy’ Series
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and Rosstat, has released new pocket data book in the ‘Digital Economy’ series. The publication presents a wide range of indicators describing the state and dynamics of the digital economy development in Russia. For some indicators, international comparisons are available, and for the first time a section on the children and teenagers’ engagement in the digital environment is included.

International Cooperation

International Cooperation
Professor Linda J. Cook has been a discussant at the Political Economy Workshop at the University of Bremen, which was held online on 11 January 2022.

Seminar "Expert opinion and data analysis"

On Wednesday, January 12, the National Research University Higher School of Economics hosted a seminar "Expert opinion and data analysis".

11th LCSR International Workshop “Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values”

11th LCSR International Workshop “Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values”
The Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics announces a call for the 11th LCSR International Workshop “Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values”, which will be held within the XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. It will take place in Moscow from the 4th till the 8th of April 2022.

Post-doctoral positions

The Condensed-Matter Physics Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of condensed-matter physics. The deadline for the applications is January 31, 2022.

Applied Social Psychology New Year Celebration

Applied Social Psychology New Year Celebration
Students and tutors of ASP congratulate everyone with Holiday season and wish all the best in a New 2022 year!

ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Elena Veretennik presented preliminary results of the study "Impact of national journals: evidence from Physical sciences research published in post-Soviet countries"

International Workshop Logic Matters (LM-2021)

International Workshop Logic Matters (LM-2021)
On December 28, 2021, an international Logic Matters seminar was held.

Russia Introduces New Requirements for Foreign Students and Workers

Russia Introduces New Requirements for Foreign Students and Workers
Vice Rector Ivan Prostakov explains key details